Top 33 Employee Recognition Software For Companies Of All Sizes
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Top 33 Employee Recognition Software For Companies Of All Sizes

Improve employee engagement and morale with the best employee recognition software available. Check the top solutions for companies of all sizes.

Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

May 22nd 202416 min read

team working on Best Employee Recognition Software

Employee appreciation is more than just recognizing good work; it's about creating a culture of recognition. The best employee recognition software can help strengthen your company culture by optimizing your employee recognition programs. Employee appreciation is critical for employee engagement and retention. Employee recognition programs are increasingly vital in today's business environment. The best employee recognition software can help employees feel valued and appreciated, which can boost morale and productivity. Read on to discover the top software options for improving employee appreciation within your organization.

What Is An Employee Recognition Software/Platform?

team looking at Best Employee Recognition Software

Employee recognition software is a valuable tool for businesses to appreciate and motivate their employees. By providing public praise, perks, and rewards programs, these platforms help create a positive workplace culture that celebrates achievements. Not only do these tools give employees a voice to recognize each other, but they also connect the recognition with the company's core values. Some employee recognition software solutions offer rewards catalogs where employees can redeem points for gift cards, company swag, charitable donations, or other unique rewards, further incentivizing them to do great work.

Employee recognition software ultimately contributes to a workplace where employees feel more valued and appreciated, resulting in increased employee retention rates. By automating the process of acknowledging employee contributions and key milestones, these platforms reduce the administrative burden on staff that would otherwise track achievements and dates manually. They help showcase the company's workplace culture, foster camaraderie among teams, and reward employees for their hard work with perks.

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Key Features Of Employee Recognition Software

Peer-to-peer recognition is an effective way to enhance workplace culture. It allows employees to acknowledge and appreciate each other's achievements and efforts. Employees can give and receive recognition, boosting morale, motivation, and engagement. Positive reinforcement is essential in fostering connections among team members and reinforcing desired behaviors. This feature leverages the power of peer-to-peer recognition by making it easy for employees to appreciate each other's contributions.

User-Friendly Interface: Seamless Recognition Across Platforms

A user-friendly interface is crucial for the success of an employee rewards and recognition software. It should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and accessible across different platforms such as web, mobile, and collaboration tools like Teams and Slack. A seamless user experience ensures high adoption rates, allowing employees to engage with the platform effortlessly.

Rewards Catalog: Diverse Incentives for Motivation

A diverse rewards catalog is a key feature of a comprehensive employee rewards and recognition software. It should offer a variety of incentives, both monetary and non-monetary, to cater to the diverse preferences and motivations of employees. Employees can choose rewards that resonate with them, driving their motivation and engagement. A well-curated rewards catalog ensures that recognition feels personal and meaningful to employees.

LSA Recognition: Celebrating Employee Loyalty

Long service awards (LSA) are an important part of recognizing employee loyalty and commitment. A dedicated feature for LSA recognition allows organizations to celebrate milestones and tenure achievements. Recognizing long-serving employees boosts their morale, reinforces their loyalty, and encourages others to strive for similar milestones. This feature acknowledges the value of employee tenure and fosters a culture of appreciation.

Mobile Accessibility: Recognition on the Go

Mobile accessibility is essential for employee rewards and recognition software. Employees should be able to access the platform on their smartphones, whether they are in the office, at home, or on the go. Mobile accessibility ensures that recognition is timely, convenient, and seamless, enhancing employee engagement. This feature enables employees to appreciate each other's efforts and achievements at any time and from anywhere.

Customizable Platform: Tailored Recognition Programs

A customizable platform allows organizations to design recognition programs that align with their values, goals, and culture. Flexibility in program design enables organizations to tailor the recognition experience to their specific needs. Customizable recognition programs can incorporate unique elements that resonate with employees, reinforcing behaviors that drive organizational success. This feature ensures that recognition is aligned with the organization's strategic objectives and cultural values.

Integration Capabilities: Seamless Connectivity

Integration with the organization's human capital management (HCM) or human resources management system (HRMS) is essential for seamless data flow and connectivity. Integration capabilities enable organizations to streamline processes, reduce manual work, and ensure data accuracy. Integration with communication tools like Teams and Slack enhances employee engagement and ensures that recognition is embedded in the daily workflow. This feature facilitates the seamless implementation of recognition initiatives and enhances the overall employee experience.

Analytics and Reporting: Data-Driven Insights

Robust analytics and reporting features provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of recognition programs. Organizations can track key metrics, measure the impact of recognition efforts, and identify areas for improvement. Data-driven insights enable organizations to make informed decisions, optimize their recognition strategies, and drive employee engagement. This feature empowers organizations to continuously improve their recognition programs and create a culture of appreciation based on real-time data and feedback.

Security and Privacy: Protecting Employee Data

Robust data compliance and security features ensure the confidentiality and privacy of employee data. Certifications such as SOC, GDPR, and ISO demonstrate a commitment to data protection and regulatory compliance. Security measures safeguard sensitive information and build trust among employees, enhancing their confidence in the platform. This feature ensures that employee data is protected and secure, fostering a safe and secure environment for recognition and appreciation.

Make Employee Appreciation Easier With Giftpack

At Giftpack, our driving force is to simplify the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. Utilizing our custom AI algorithm, we create highly customized scenario swag box options for you. We do global delivery and have an extremely user-friendly platform. We curate the most fitting gifts from a vast catalog of over 3.5 million products worldwide (which is ever-increasing).

By carefully considering an individual's basic demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint, we tailor each gift selection process regardless if the recipient is an employee, a customer, a VIP client, a friend, or a family member. With a wide range of locally and globally sourced gifts, we ensure that personalized gifting is accessible and achievable on a large scale, delivering meaningful connections across the globe.

Make employee appreciation easier with Giftpack — try Giftpack for free today.

Benefits Of Using Employee Recognition Software

team looking at benefits of Best Employee Recognition Software

Streamlined Recognition Processes

Employee recognition software streamlines the process of acknowledging and rewarding employees, removing manual tracking and administration. This automation saves time and resources, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. It ensures no key milestones or anniversaries are accidentally overlooked.

Increased Employee Engagement

Recognition platforms make recognizing effort and achievements a seamless part of the workday, directly boosting morale and engagement. When employees feel valued, organizations see a significant uptick in overall job satisfaction and retention.

Improved Company Culture

Recognition software fosters a culture of appreciation, respect, and acknowledgment. It strengthens team bonds, reinforces positive behaviors, and values, creating a more cohesive and positive work environment that attracts and retains top talent.

Enhanced Feedback and Communication

These platforms facilitate instant feedback and acknowledgment, bridging communication gaps between teams and management. Real-time interaction aids in quickly addressing concerns and celebrating successes, promoting a more agile and responsive company culture.

Better Data-Driven Insights

Recognition platforms offer valuable analytics and insights into employee performance and engagement. This data assists leaders in making informed decisions, recognizing trends, and identifying areas for future improvement or additional support.

Top 23 Employee Recognition Software For Your Organization

employees exploring new and Best Employee Recognition Software

1. Giftpack

At Giftpack, our driving force is to simplify the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. Utilizing our custom AI algorithm, we create highly customized scenario swag box options for you. We do global delivery and have an extremely user-friendly platform. We curate the most fitting gifts from a vast catalog of over 3.5 million products worldwide (which is ever-increasing).

By carefully considering an individual's basic demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint, we tailor each gift selection process regardless if the recipient is an employee, a customer, a VIP client, a friend, or a family member. With a wide range of locally and globally sourced gifts, we ensure that personalized gifting is accessible and achievable on a large scale, delivering meaningful connections across the globe.

Make employee appreciation easier with Giftpack — try Giftpack for free today.

2. Mo

Mo is a recognition platform that empowers managers to recognize, connect, and reward their team. Social posts are called “Moments” on the Mo platform where employees can select company values to go with every Moment. Recognitions can be public or private, enabling the entire workforce to show their appreciation for the hard work done. Mo equips managers with weekly suggestions to motivate their employees and offers analytics for the HR & leadership team to track program success.

Feature highlights

Peer-to-peer recognition Automated work celebrations Budget tracking

3. Worktango

Worktango is an employee experience platform that enables organizations to automate Recognition and Rewards, track costs, and incentivize desired actions. You have the ability to run your recognition program with or without reward points giving you flexibility based on your budget. Managers can set up Employee Incentives to drive participation in company initiatives in exchange for points. Track program participation and get insights by department, location, or role.

Feature highlights

Integrations with common workplace apps Employee Incentives Automated years of service awards and milestone celebrations

4. Motivosity

Motivosity facilitates workplace recognition through public shows of appreciation and monetary rewards. Each team member can provide social recognition together with actual money to show appreciation to others. Motivosity also supports custom awards and allows organizations to award spot bonuses. Like Achievers, Motivosity is part of an HR technology ecosystem with additional engagement products.

Feature highlights

Built for small or mid-market sized companies Peer-to-peer recognition Performance management

5. Kudoboard

Kudoboard is a more specialized recognition platform that focuses on providing memorable group cards. Users can customize each card with unique text and visual media. You can invite others to collaborate on a single card and show them off in a variety of ways, including a printed poster or as a slideshow. Kudoboard is available in a limited free version for trying out as well.

Feature highlights

Unlimited ‘boards’ (i.e. e-cards) Custom branding Printing and shipping options

6. Bonusly

Designed for users and admins alike, Bonusly facilitates peer-to-peer and manager-to-peer recognition that drives company values. The platform offers custom awards and incentive programs, allowing companies to celebrate specific achievements and milestones. It automates celebrations for birthdays and work anniversaries and provides customizable award options.

Whether it’s acknowledging a job well done or celebrating teamwork, Bonusly provides a fun and effective way to recognize and appreciate colleagues, making it a great option for fostering inter-team collaboration.

Feature highlights

Point-Based Rewarding Custom Rewards Social Feed Analytics and Reporting Digital Signage Recognition Tracking

7. Xoxoday Empuls

Xoxoday Empuls is an all-in-one employee appreciation tool that combines recognition and employee feedback in one place. It offers surveys to gather insights across the employee lifecycle. The platform also helps companies check employee absenteeism and attrition, helping improve employee productivity and motivation.

Whether understanding employee sentiments or rewarding outstanding performance, Empuls streamlines the entire employee engagement process.

Feature highlights

Built-in Surveys Reward Catalog Data-Driven Insights Security Compliant Social Feed Gamification

8. Awardco

Awardco streamlines and enhances employee recognition efforts within organizations. The platform offers customizable programs, dashboards, budget and taxes management, automated service anniversaries, and a wide range of reward options.

The platform allows access to many potential employee rewards, thanks to their Amazon Business integration. Employees can also use Awardco points for hotels, tickets, company swag stores, gift cards, and charitable donations, making it the ideal platform for value-driven employee awards.

Feature highlights

Point-Based Rewarding Amazon Business Integration Spot Recognition Celebrate Events Customized Rewards Recognition Tracking

9. Nectar

Nectar is a modern solution for building a workplace where appreciation thrives. It helps companies reinforce their core values and drive employee retention. Beyond the points and rewards, it also helps create connections within teams. It encourages camaraderie, celebrates milestones, and provides analytics to track recognition impact.

Nectar helps companies enhance employee engagement, maintain remote work culture, and boost morale. With Nectar, companies can design and maintain a vibrant culture of recognition.

Feature highlights

360 Recognition and Rewards On-Demand Swag Rewards Catalog & Gift Cards Point-Based & Customized Rewarding Celebrating Events Wellness Initiatives

10. Assembly

Assembly is a platform for building workflows that supports employee recognition programs. It features an employee recognition workflow template that helps employees more easily provide public and peer-to-peer recognition. It also includes a template dedicated to nominating employees across your organization. Assembly goes beyond recognition as well with over 40 additional workflow templates.

Feature highlights

Points-based recognition Custom ‘challenges’ to promote company initiatives Employee reward options and select discounts

11. TerryBerry

TerryBerry leverages their “Be Recognized” employee recognition software to drive peer-to-peer recognition within your organization. Their recognition platform includes service awards, employee incentives, and custom awards. Employees can redeem points for a variety of reward options including customized swag, charitable gifts, and merchandise from top brands. TerryBerry also offers features like Health & Wellness and Surveys to help drive engagement.

Feature highlights

Plug-and-play modules Wellness programs Engagement surveys

12. Guusto

Guusto offers employee recognition software that includes features like real-time recognition, performance awards, and connecting appreciation to wellness. It comes with a rewards catalog that allows employees to redeem rewards from over 60,000 merchant locations. Guusto also prioritizes scalability with the ability to begin with limited pilot programs and then expanding recognition initiatives company-wide. Reports on engagement, rewards, and more help organizations measure the effectiveness of their recognition programs.

Feature highlights

Milestone, years-of-service awards Employee gift card programs Manager and peer recognition

13. Cooleaf

Cooleaf engages and connects employees through employee Recognition and Rewards, pulse surveys, and employee programs. The platform connects managers and employees together with a variety of engagement programs like Health & Wellness, Learning & Development, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Build customizable surveys to measure eNPS feedback, manager effectiveness, and employee engagement.

Feature highlights

Recognitions tied to company core values Real-time analytics Customizable employee surveys

14. Fond

Fond is an employee recognition solution that supports points-based rewards and social recognition. Employees can redeem points for thousands of items and experiences, while organizations can tailor rewards to best suit their culture and employee interests. Fond supports mobile recognition, integrations with popular HR and business tools, and reacting to others’ recognitions. Fond also offers a corporate discount platform that helps companies manage discounts they or Fond obtain for their employees.

Feature highlights

Recognitions tied to company core values Real-time analytics Customizable employee surveys

15. Empuls

Empuls is a Recognition and Rewards provider that focuses on peer recognition as a driver for building a more engaged workforce. Employees can actively interact with each other using polls, posts, and comments. Digital Wishboards replace physical bulletin boards allowing your people to send birthday, holiday, and other life event wishes to colleagues. Keep employees in the loop with important and relevant company news through internal communication tools.

Feature highlights

Public recognition made visible on the social intranet Reactions like comments, GIFs, and likes to recognition Digital Wishboards (i.e. birthdays, life events, holidays, etc.)

16. Workvivo

Workvivo is an employee experience platform that aims to drive engagement through a personalized social feed. This feed allows colleagues to share information, collaborate, and recognize team and individual achievements through public shout-outs. Align your workforce by tying posts to company core values. Workvivo has other engagement features including surveys, polls, collaboration spaces, and live video streaming.

Feature highlights

Public peer recognition Personalized activity feed Peer nomination for awards

17. Espresa

Espresa is a platform that includes peer-to-peer recognition with monetary and non-monetary rewards. Employees get access to rewards from over 200 vendors ranging from gift cards to branded merchandise to personalized experiences. Espresa promotes participation through gamification with digital recognition badges, driving a more meaningful and inclusive workplace culture.

Feature highlights

Monetary and non-monetary recognition Integrated rewards marketplace Customizable budgets

18. Bucketlist

Bucketlist is an employee recognition software platform that includes public social recognition, automation of milestone recognition, and a rewards catalog with over 4,000 items to choose from. Organizations can also create custom awards to fit their culture and workforce. Bucketlist features a built-in newsletter as well and features account management and support services.

Feature highlights

Group shoutouts Rewards catalog of 4,000 items Custom awards

19. Reward Gateway

Reward Gateway unifies many features into one branded hub, making it easier for organizations to engage their employees and drive company success. It allows managers to reward employees instantly using points or dollars, amplify recognition with real-time social interactions, and recognize important milestones, birthdays, or anniversaries.

The platform also helps companies attract, engage, and retain their best people with strategic recognition, communications, surveys, and more. Through continuous recognition, it empowers companies to create a culture of appreciation.

Feature highlights

Instant Recognition Value-based Recognition Customized E-Cards Celebrating Events Amazon Integration for Rewards Reporting & Dashboards

20. O. C. Tanner

O.C. Tanner helps companies create peak moments, appreciate great work, and inspire people to give their best. It is crafted specifically for large-scale employee recognition programs and is ideal for enterprise and global workforces.

The platform offers diverse recognition options, including social recognition, company celebrations, team initiatives, and wellbeing rewards, among others. Its Culture Cloud suite of employee recognition, service awards, and other culture-building solutions helps millions of employees worldwide thrive at work.

Features highlights

Virgin Pulse Integration Impact Dashboard & Analytics Flight Risk Model Individual and Group Recognition Social Feed Budget Management

21. Workhuman

WorkHuman Social Recognition platform helps create a culture of excellence where everyone feels seen, heard, and appreciated for their work. It helps peers and managers participate in continuous recognition activities, boosting work relationships, happiness, and engagement.

With Workhuman, leaders gain unparalleled insights into what drives organizational goals, and HRs are able to build a motivating work environment.

Features highlights

Community Celebrations Service Milestones Data Analytics & Insights Global e-Commerce Network Point-Based Rewarding Inclusion Advisor

22. ThriveSparrow

ThriveSparrow is an Employee Success Platform designed to drive growth and improve employee performance within organizations. It offers a unique blend of recognition, reward, and inspiration tools that can be accessed from anywhere, making it a versatile choice for promoting general employee success and engagement in modern, remote-friendly workplaces.

Feature highlights

Peer rewards Recognition badges Social recognition walls Engagement surveys Heatmaps Team analytics

23. Leapsome

Leapsome is an employee development and recognition platform that helps organizations connect the dots between employee feedback, engagement, and performance. Used by companies like Spotify, Northvolt, Unity, and Workato, Leapsome enables a continuous cycle of employee recognition and personalized learning that powers the growth of your people and business.

Like other platforms in this list, Leapsome goes beyond employee recognition and engagement and offers more depth to your HR team, including modern performance management features like 360-degree reviews, and goals & OKR tracking. You can customize and run leadership reviews designed around the key competencies of each role, collect meaningful feedback from across the company, and make it actionable through development frameworks and learning paths.

Features highlights

Public or private recognition and praise Open-ended or competency-based feedback Mentorship features Feedback analytics Continuous performance feedback tools Engagement surveys Automated learning and onboarding experiences

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woman working with trends - Best Employee Recognition Software

Employee recognition software has evolved significantly in recent years, responding to the growing emphasis on creating a positive work culture and promoting employee engagement. Here are the current trends worth noting

Advanced Automation for Recognition Activities

One of the most notable trends in employee recognition software is the advancement in automation capabilities. Modern platforms are increasingly streamlining the recognition process, from issuing badges for specific accomplishments to scheduling regular appreciation events. By automating these tasks, managers and HR professionals can ensure consistent recognition practices while saving valuable time.

Customizable Recognition Programs

Another prevalent trend in the software space is the emphasis on customization. Many platforms now offer companies the ability to tailor recognition programs to align with their unique values and goals. This customization extends to personalized messages, awards, and recognition criteria, allowing businesses to create programs that resonate with their workforce.

Enhanced Employee Engagement through Gamification

Gamification features are gaining popularity in employee recognition software. Platforms are incorporating elements such as points, leaderboards, and challenges to make recognition more engaging and interactive. By adding a gamified layer to recognition programs, organizations can boost participation and enjoyment across the board.

Predictive Analytics for Employee Recognition

A cutting-edge trend in the employee recognition software landscape is the integration of predictive analytics. By leveraging advanced data analysis, platforms can predict when employees might benefit from additional recognition. This proactive approach helps prevent disengagement and burnout by addressing potential issues before they escalate.

Build A Meaningful Employee Recognition Program With Ease With Giftpack

Giftpack, with its cutting-edge AI algorithm, is revolutionizing the corporate gifting landscape. By leveraging advanced technology, Giftpack offers highly personalized swag box options tailored to individual preferences and demographics. With access to over 3.5 million global products, Giftpack ensures a vast selection of locally and globally sourced gifts.

The platform considers recipients' social media activity and digital footprint to deliver the most suitable gifts. Whether it's for employees, customers, VIP clients, friends, or family members, Giftpack is committed to fostering meaningful connections. With global delivery capabilities and an intuitive user interface, Giftpack is your go-to solution for streamlined and impactful employee recognition.

Vantage CircleReward GatewayNectar RecognitionEmployee Appreciation Gift BoxesKudoboard AlternativeEmployee Appreciation SoftwareAlternatives To KudoboardWorkhuman CompetitorsReward Gateway PricingPerkbox AlternativesBonusly Vs NectarAwardco CompetitorsWhen Is Employee Appreciation Week

Make your gifting efficient and improve employee attrition rates with Giftpack AI

Visit our product page to unlock the power of personalized employee appreciation gifts.

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Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

May 22nd 202416 min read

About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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