Ultimate Guide To Event Marketing (18 Event Marketing Strategies & How To Plan)
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Ultimate Guide To Event Marketing (18 Event Marketing Strategies & How To Plan)

Find success in event marketing with our ultimate guide. Includes 18 strategies and planning tips to help you organize and market your event effectively.

Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Sep 9th 202422 min read


As the day of your event approaches, the excitement grows. Your event marketing strategies are paying off, and RSVPs are rolling in. Then, reality sets in. What do you do with all these people once they arrive? The goal of event marketing is to create a pleasant experience for your attendees before, during, and after your event. Corporate Swag can help you achieve this goal. Custom gifts create a buzz, enhance the attendee experience, and help your business leave a lasting impression. This article will explore marketing strategies to help you organize a successful event.

Incorporating corporate swag is an effective way to enhance your event marketing strategy. Giftpack's company branded swag solution can help you achieve your objectives to ensure smooth sailing for your next corporate event.

What Is Event Marketing?


Event marketing involves planning, organizing, and executing an event to promote a brand, product, or service. Events can take place in person or online, and companies can either:

• Host them

• Attend as exhibitors

• Participate as sponsors

Event marketing refers to a variety of events. You could organize a small roundtable of seven to ten guests, partner with another brand to sponsor a 5K, set up an exhibit at a major trade show, or host one online. Marketing an event involves leveraging various channels to maximize attendance and build excitement. This can be achieved through:

Social media

• Email campaigns

• Influencer partnerships

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What Are Event Marketing Strategies?


Event marketing strategies are planned methods used to promote and maximize an event's success. These strategies involve:

• Defining clear objectives

• Creating a strong event brand

• Building a dedicated event website

• Leveraging social media

• Utilizing email marketing

Engaging with influencers and partners and employing paid advertising. The goal is to generate interest, attract attendees, and achieve the desired outcomes for the event.

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10 Reasons Why Event Marketing So Crucial For Businesses


According to reports, 95% of marketers agree that live events provide attendees a valuable opportunity to form in-person connections in an increasingly digital world.

Additional statistics from the report include:

Most marketers (31%) believe event marketing is the most effective marketing channel. An overwhelming majority of C-Suite executives (87%) believe in the power of live events and plan to invest more in them in the future.

84% of event attendees say they have a more positive opinion about the company, brand, product, or service promoted after the event.

1. Build Brand Awareness with Events

Events provide a dynamic platform for showcasing your brand to a large audience. Whether you're putting your brand front and center for:

• Product launch

• Conference

• Networking event

This visibility helps create a lasting impression, distinguish your business from competitors, and increase brand recognition.

2. Engage with Your Audience

Events allow for direct interaction with your target audience. This face-to-face engagement helps build stronger relationships and trust. Attendees get to experience your brand’s personality firsthand, which can lead to increased loyalty and more meaningful connections compared to digital-only interactions.

3. Generate Leads and Sales

Events are a fertile ground for lead generation. Attendees are often pre-qualified since they are interested in the event’s theme or industry. This targeted audience can be crucial for generating high-quality leads. Events can drive immediate sales through:

• Product showcases

• Exclusive offers

• On-site promotions

4. Showcase Products and Services

Hosting or participating in events offers a unique opportunity to showcase your products or services. This hands-on experience can be more persuasive than traditional advertising, allowing potential customers to see the benefits firsthand. It also provides a platform for demonstrating your expertise and innovations.

5. Network, Network, Network

Events bring people together from various industry sectors, creating valuable networking opportunities. Building relationships with other businesses, industry influencers, and potential clients can open doors to:

• New partnerships

• Collaborations

• Business growth

Networking at events can also provide insights into industry trends and competitor activities.

6. Enhance Customer Experience

Events can be a great way to enhance your customer experience. By creating memorable experiences, businesses can leave a lasting impression on attendees. This fosters positive brand associations and encourages word-of-mouth marketing and repeat business.

7. Gather Valuable Feedback

Events offer a direct line to feedback from your target audience, whether through:

• Surveys

• Informal conversations

• Observation

You can gain insights into your customers' thoughts about your:

• Products

• Services

• Brand.

This feedback is invaluable for making improvements and understanding market needs.

8. Boost Employee Morale and Team Building

Internal events, like company retreats or team-building activities, significantly boost employee morale and foster team cohesion. These events can:

• Strengthen company culture

• Improve employee satisfaction

• Enhance productivity

9. Create Buzz and Media Coverage

A well-executed event can generate media coverage and create buzz around your brand. Media attention and positive press can amplify your event’s reach and provide credibility. Effective event marketing can result in valuable earned media and increased public interest.

10. Leverage Content Marketing

Events can be a rich source of content for your marketing efforts. From capturing keynote speeches and panel discussions to sharing attendee testimonials and behind-the-scenes moments, the content generated can be repurposed for blogs, social media, and other marketing channels.

Try Giftpack's Client Gifting Service for Free Today

At Giftpack, our driving force is to simplify the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. Utilizing our custom AI algorithm, we create highly customized scenario swag box options for you. We deliver globally and have an extremely user-friendly platform. We curate the most fitting gifts from a vast catalog of over 3.5 million products worldwide (which is ever-increasing).

By carefully considering an individual's basic demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint, we tailor each gift selection process regardless of whether the recipient is an employee, a customer, a VIP client, a friend, or a family member. With a wide range of locally and globally sourced gifts, we ensure that personalized gifting is accessible and achievable on a large scale, delivering meaningful connections across the globe.

Try Giftpack's client gifting service. For free today.

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18 Event Marketing Strategies For Pulling Off A Great Event


1. Swag and Merch: The Classic Event Marketing Strategy

Who doesn’t love free goodies? Branded merchandise can make a big impression and keep your event in mind long after it’s over. Imagine your attendees walking away with the following:

• Custom mugs

• Tote bags

• T-shirts

Partnering with a service like Giftpack allows you to offer personalized swag that enhances the attendee experience. It’s a fun and tangible way to make your event memorable!

2. Create an Event Website: The One-Stop Shop For All Things Your Event

An event website is like your event’s digital home base. It’s where you gather all essential details, such as:

• Event Schedule

• Speaker bios

• Registration information and more

Think of it as the go-to spot for anyone interested in learning about or attending your event. A well-designed website provides crucial information, helps with registration ticket sales, and can even serve as a hub for updates and promotions.

3. Use Social Media: Leverage Your Digital Assets

Social media is a powerhouse for event marketing. With over 5 billion users worldwide, it's where you’ll find a chunk of your audience.

Use strategies like:

• Relevant hashtags to make your event discoverable

• Host giveaways to generate excitement

• Collaborate with brand ambassadors

To spread the word to maximize your reach. Consistent posting and engaging with your followers keep the buzz alive and can turn online interest into real-world attendance.

4. Harness User-Generated Content (UGC): Build Credibility and Excitement

User-generated content is gold when it comes to building credibility and excitement. Encourage attendees to share their own experiences, whether it’s through:

• Photos

• Testimonials

• Posts using your event’s hashtag

This creates a buzz and acts as social proof, showcasing real people enjoying your event or supporting your brand. Since UGC has been shown to boost engagement and influence purchasing decisions, it’s a strategy you don’t want to miss.

5. Leverage Influencers and Industry Partnerships: Boost Credibility and Reach

According to research, 63% of Gen Z and millennials trust influencers, highlighting their potential impact on your event marketing strategy. Influencers and industry partners can give your event a significant boost.

Influencers with a strong following in your niche can help you reach new audiences and build credibility. Partnering with industry leaders or complementary brands can enhance your event’s visibility and lend additional authority whether through:

• Co-hosting

• Cross-promotions

• Sponsorships

These collaborations help you tap into established networks and amplify your message.

6. Create Mixed-Media Content: Generate Interest and Engage Your Audience

Mixing up your content with:

• Videos

• Blogs

• Podcasts

Is a fantastic way to generate interest. Videos are particularly engaging and can offer sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes looks, or highlights of what attendees can expect.

Blogs and podcasts allow deeper dives into event topics, showcasing your expertise and building anticipation. This varied content keeps your audience engaged and helps spread the word about your event across different platforms.

7. Email Marketing Campaigns: Keep Your Audience In The Loop

Email marketing remains a staple for keeping your audience in the loop. Researchshows that 72% of the most effective email marketing campaigns include message personalization. It also allows you to build and nurture relationships with your audience over time beyond just promoting an event.

Send out personalized invitations, updates, and exclusive offers to keep your event on people’s minds. Personalization is critical—tailor your messages to your audience’s interests and past interactions to increase engagement. Tools like Mailchimp or GetResponse can help automate and track your campaigns, making managing and optimizing your email marketing efforts easier.

8. Digital Advertising: Target Attendees with Paid Promotions

Digital ads are another effective tool for reaching potential attendees. Creating digital brochures or ads that highlight your event’s key details can be distributed through email or online channels, targeting specific audiences. This helps drive registrations and ensures your event is visible to those most likely to attend.

9. Spark FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): Create Urgency and Get People to Register

Creating a sense of urgency or FOMO can be a powerful motivator. Use compelling visuals and messaging to show what attendees will miss out on if they don’t attend. This tactic taps into the psychology of wanting to be part of something exclusive or exciting, making your event more appealing and prompting quicker action.

10. Blogging Before an Event: Build Interest with In-Depth Content

Blogging is a great way to build interest and provide in-depth information about your event. Regular posts leading up to the event can cover topics like:

• Event highlights

• Speaker features

• The inspiration behind the event.

Sharing these posts across your marketing channels helps keep your audience engaged and informed.

11. Content Marketing: Establish Authority and Attract Interest

Content marketing helps establish your brand as a thought leader. Whether through:

• Blogs

• Videos

• Podcasts

Creating valuable content related to your event attracts interest and positions your brand as an authority in your field. This builds credibility and can drive more people to your event.

12. Event Listing Sites: Boost Visibility with Online Directories

Don’t forget to list your event on platforms like Eventbrite or Meetup. These sites are popular places for people looking for events to attend, and listing your event there can increase its visibility, especially among those casually browsing for things to do.

13. PR: Generate Buzz Through Traditional Media

Traditional media still has a place in event marketing. Press releases and media collaborations can generate buzz and reach audiences who get their news through:

• Newspapers

• Magazines

• Radio

• TV

A well-crafted press release can help your event stand out and attract media attention.

14. Forum Engagement: Find Your Niche and Promote Your Event

Engaging in niche forums or groups is like conversing in a specialized club. These communities are filled with people who are genuinely interested in your topic. Participating in these discussions can build deeper connections and promote your event to a targeted audience.

15. Direct Mail: Go Old School to Grab Attention

Direct mail might seem old school, but it can be a memorable way to invite people to your event. A beautifully designed invitation or brochure can make recipients feel special and grab their attention in a way digital communications sometimes don’t.

16. SMS Marketing: Reach Attendees Quickly with Texts

Text messages are direct and practical for quick updates or reminders. SMS marketing is perfect for last-minute promotions or essential announcements about your event. It’s a simple way to ensure your message gets seen and acted upon.

17. Existing Events: Promote to an Already Interested Audience

Promoting your event at other events can be a great way to reach an already interested audience. Setting up a booth or handing out flyers at relevant events puts your message directly in front of potential attendees already engaged in similar interests.

18. Using Live-Stream Options: Extend Your Reach

Live-streaming parts of your event or behind-the-scenes content can help you reach a broader audience. Before the event, you can share preparation insights or answer questions in real-time, while during the event, live-streaming can attract those who couldn’t attend in person. It’s a way to create excitement and engagement beyond your immediate attendees.

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What Are The 5 Ps Of Event Planning?


Plan Like a Pro

Planning sets the stage for your event. It’s where you map out everything from your primary goals to the little details like napkin colors. A solid plan is your roadmap—it keeps you on track and helps you anticipate any bumps.

Cover timelines, budgets, and roles. Even think about what to do if something unexpected pops up. The better you plan, the less you’ll have to worry on the day of the event.

Partner Up For Success

No one pulls off a great event alone. That’s where your partners come in. This could be:

• Vendors

• Sponsors

• Keynote speakers

• Even entertainers

Choosing the right people to work with can elevate your event. Build good relationships and make sure everyone knows their role. Good partners add value and help make your event stand out.

Place Matters

Your venue isn’t just a backdrop—it’s a big part of your event’s vibe. Whether you’re going for:

• Grand ballroom

• Cozy café

• Virtual setup

The place must fit the occasion. It should match your event’s goals and be comfortable for your guests. Think about accessibility, size, and the overall atmosphere. The right venue sets the tone and makes a big difference in how your event is experienced.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like actors rehearse for a play, you must run through your event before the big day. This is where you test everything:

• Run through the schedule

• Check the equipment

• Ensure everyone knows their tasks.

Practicing helps you spot any issues before they become problems and ensures that everything goes off without a hitch on the event day.

Permission is Key

Getting permissions right is crucial. This means securing the right licenses, ensuring you’re okay using any media or content, and handling attendee data responsibly. It’s all about staying on the right side of the law and respecting privacy. Ensuring all your permissions are sorted out ahead of time keeps things running smoothly and helps you avoid legal hiccups.

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How To Create An Event Marketing Strategy/Plan


Setting Clear Objectives

Start by defining what success looks like for your event. Your goals should be:

• Specific: Clearly articulate what you want to achieve, such as generating 200 leads or Increasing brand awareness by 30%.

• Measurable: Ensure you can track progress with data. Examples include Tracking the number of registrations or Measuring social media engagement.

• Achievable: Set realistic targets based on your resources. Consider your past events and current capabilities.

• Relevant: Align your goals with your overall business objectives. To boost sales, focus on metrics like lead conversion rates.

• Timely: Set deadlines for achieving your goals. This helps in planning and executing marketing activities.

• Using Frameworks SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely.

• Example: Achieve 500 webinar registrations within the first month of promotion.

• CLEAR Goals: Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, Refinable.

• Example: Collaborate with industry influencers to create buzz, aiming for a 20% increase in social media engagement.

• KPIs to Track Number of Registrations: Track how many people sign up. Gross Revenue: Measure the total income generated if applicable.

• Attendee Satisfaction: Use surveys or feedback forms to gauge attendee experience.

Creating Buyer Personas

Develop detailed profiles of your ideal attendees:

• Demographics: Age, gender, occupation, location. Preferences: Interests, favorite topics, preferred communication channels.

• Pain Points: Challenges or issues they face that your event can address.

• Motivations: Explain why your audience would attend your event, such as networking opportunities or learning new skills.

• Mapping Attendee Journeys: Understand the path your audience takes from discovering your event to attending.

• Awareness: How they first learn about your event.

• Consideration: Factors influencing their decision to register.

• Decision: The final step of signing up and attending.

Establish a Budget and Allocate Resources

Budget Planning Outline all potential expenses:

• Venue: Rental costs, setup, and logistics.

• Marketing: Advertising, promotional materials, and digital marketing efforts.

• Staff: Salaries for event staff, security, and volunteers.

• Technology: AV equipment, event management software.

• Allocating funds: Prioritize spending based on your goals.

Allocate more to high-impact areas, such as marketing or venue quality, while keeping a contingency fund for unexpected expenses. Review and Adjust your spending throughout the planning process. After the event, the budget performance will be analyzed to identify areas for improvement.

Select the Right Event Format and Type

• Event Types and Their Uses Trade Shows: are ideal for showcasing products and networking with industry peers. They also provide opportunities for direct engagement and feedback.

• Conferences: are suitable for sharing knowledge, industry trends, and networking with experts. They offer in-depth discussions and workshops.

• Webinars: Perfect for remote audiences. Useful for educational content, product demos, or Q&A sessions.

• Workshops/Seminars: Hands-on learning experiences. Facilitates direct interaction and skill development.

• Virtual Events: Accessible from anywhere. Great for global reach and creative digital experiences.

Choose a Compelling Event Theme and Messaging

Developing a Theme Your theme should:

• Captivate Attendees: Create an engaging atmosphere that draws attendees in. Ensure it reflects their interests and the event’s purpose.

• Reflect Your Brand: Incorporate your brand’s values, colors, and style into the theme. This will help reinforce your brand identity.

• Deliver Meaningful Messages: Craft messages that address attendees’ needs and provide value. Highlight how the event will benefit them.

Decide on a Date, Location, and Venue

• Selecting the Date: Avoid conflicts with major holidays, industry events, or peak vacation periods. Consider audience availability and any potential scheduling conflicts.

• Choosing the Location Convenience: Ensure the venue is easily accessible for your attendees.

• Capacity: The venue should comfortably accommodate your expected number of attendees.

• Suitability: The venue should align with the event’s theme and format, providing the necessary amenities and technology.

Choose an Event Marketing Software Partner

Selecting Software Choose a platform that offers:

• Registration Management: Easy sign-up and ticketing options.

• Promotion Tools: Automated email campaigns, social media integration, and targeted advertising.

• Data Insights: Analytics and reporting tools to measure event performance and attendee engagement.

Build the Event Website and Set Up Registration

• Designing the Website User-Friendly: Ensure it’s easy to navigate and provides all necessary event details.

• Responsive Design: Optimize for mobile devices and various screen sizes.

• Clear Information: Include event schedule, speaker details, venue information, and registration options.

• Setting Up Registration Simple Process: Avoid lengthy forms and simplify the process.

• Capture Key Data: Collect essential information without overwhelming registrants.

Design Event Branding and Materials

• Branding Elements Logo: Design a logo that captures the event’s essence and is easily recognizable.

• Banners and Signage: Place these strategically to guide attendees and enhance the event’s visual appeal.

• Print Materials: Include flyers, brochures, and pamphlets that provide key event information and engage your audience.

• Digital Assets: Create social media graphics, email templates, and website banners that reflect your event’s branding.

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12 Event Marketing Tools To Intensify Your Strategy


1. Giftpack: The Corporate Gifting Game Changer

Giftpack 's driving force is simplifying the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. Utilizing our custom AI algorithm, we create highly customized scenario swag box options for you. We deliver globally and have an extremely user-friendly platform. We curate the most fitting gifts from a vast catalog of over 3.5 million products worldwide (which is ever-increasing).

By carefully considering an individual's basic demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint, we tailor each gift selection process regardless if the recipient is an employee, a customer, a VIP client, a friend, or a family member. With a wide range of locally and globally sourced gifts, we ensure that personalized gifting is accessible and achievable on a large scale, delivering meaningful connections across the globe.

Try Giftpack's client gifting service. For free today.

2. Canva: The Designer You Didn't Hire

Canva is a game-changer for event marketing, especially if you need to become a professional designer. It provides templates for visually appealing promotional materials, such as event posters and social media graphics.

With its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, you can design high-quality materials quickly and efficiently. Canva also helps maintain consistency with its brand kit feature, where you can:

• Store your logos

• Colors

• Fonts

Ensure a cohesive look for all your marketing materials.

3. Mailchimp: The OG of Email Marketing

Despite being an older tool, Mailchimp remains a powerful player in event marketing. It simplifies the process of:

• Designing

• Sending

• Tracking email campaigns

With Mailchimp, you can create attractive email invitations, automate reminders and follow-ups, and monitor the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts through detailed analytics.

4. HubSpot CRM: Nurturing Your Attendees

Maintaining solid relationships with your attendees is crucial, and HubSpot CRM is designed to help with that. It allows you to manage and analyze customer interactions and data efficiently.

With HubSpot CRM, you can

• Track leads

• Manage ticket sales

• Gain insights into attendee preferences.

This helps personalize your communications and improve engagement strategies, ultimately enhancing your event’s success.

5. Google Drive: Where Event Planning Goes to Collaborate

Google Drive simplifies collaboration and document management. It provides a cloud-based platform for:

• Storing

• Sharing

• Collaboratively editing documents

• Spreadsheets

• Presentations.

Google Drive ensures that your team can access and work on event-related files from anywhere, keeping everyone on the same page and streamlining the planning process.

6. Google Analytics: The Secret to Marketing Smarter

Google Analytics is essential for understanding the performance of your event website. It tracks website traffic, helps you see which marketing campaigns drive visitors, and provides insights into user behavior. Analyzing these metrics allows you to refine your marketing strategies to target potential attendees better and enhance overall event performance.

7. Google Search Console: The Key to SEO Success

Google Search Console is invaluable for insights into how your event website is performing in search results. It provides data on search performance, including click-through rates and search queries. It helps identify and resolve any issues affecting your site’s visibility in search results, ensuring your audience can easily find your event online.

8. Hootsuite: Social Media Management Made Simple

Social media is a crucial component of event marketing, and Hootsuite helps you manage it all from one place. With Hootsuite, you can schedule posts across multiple social media channels, monitor engagement, and track the performance of your social media campaigns.

This tool ensures your event gets the online buzz it deserves and helps you maintain a consistent social media presence.

9. Asana: Your New Event Marketing Assistant

Managing event marketing can feel like juggling multiple tasks at once, and that's where Asana comes in. This task management tool helps you keep track of every detail by allowing you to:

• Assign tasks to specific team members

• Set deadlines

• Monitor progress

Asana’s project tracking features, such as timelines and task boards, ensure that nothing falls through the cracks, and its collaboration tools allow your team to communicate and stay organized.

10. Trello: Organize Your Event Marketing Visually

Trello is an excellent tool for organizing event tasks for those who think visually. It uses boards, lists, and cards to help you track progress and manage different aspects of event planning. Trello facilitates team collaboration by allowing members to:

• Share boards

• Assign tasks

• Update progress

11. Sprout Social: Monitor Your Event's Social Pulse

Sprout Social excels at social listening and engagement. It allows you to monitor brand mentions, engage with your audience, and analyze social media performance.

By understanding your event's social pulse, you can adjust your strategies in real-time to better connect with your audience and address their feedback.

12. Buffer: Your Social Media Assistant

Buffer is a social media management assistant that allows you to:

• Schedule

• Publish

• Analyze posts

This tool helps ensure that your event updates are consistently communicated to your audience and provides insights into how well your social media content performs.

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How Will You Measure Your Event Success?


Registrations and Check-ins: Crunching the Numbers

Analyze your registrations and check-ins to understand your event's performance. Compare the number of people who signed up to the number who attended.

If you have different ticket options, analyze which types were most popular. Reaching out to those who registered but didn't show up might provide insights into why they didn't attend and how you can improve.

Revenue and Cost-to-Revenue Ratio: Finding the Profits

Assess the amount of money your event generated and compare this to the costs involved. This will help you understand whether the event was financially successful or if you need to adjust your budget and spending for future events.

Attendee Satisfaction: Did They Enjoy the Ride?

To gauge how much your attendees enjoyed the event, use surveys to gather feedback on various aspects of the event, from the content to the venue. Calculating a Net Promoter Score can also help you gauge overall satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

Social Media Mentions/Engagement: Going Digital

Track how often your event was mentioned on social media platforms and the general sentiment around it. Look for engagement metrics like shares, likes, and comments.

Using a dedicated hashtag can make tracking these interactions easier and help you see how your event resonated with your audience online. A 2016 study found that 98% of consumers create digital content at events, a number that has likely risen today. Social media is a great measure of event success and reach in today's digital world.

Lead Acquisition and Customer Conversion: Measuring Success

If generating leads and converting them into customers was one of your goals, measure the number of qualified leads you gathered and the number of those converted into paying customers. This will help you understand the direct return on investment from your event and assess the effectiveness of your lead generation strategies.

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Build A Meaningful Employee Recognition Program With Ease with Giftpack's Client Gifting Service

Giftpack is an innovative platform that simplifies the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. With a custom AI algorithm, Giftpack creates highly customized scenario swag box options for clients worldwide. This ensures that each gift is tailored to the recipient's preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint.

Giftpack offers a vast catalog of over 3.5 million products, enabling personalized gifting on a large scale. Through global delivery and an easy-to-use platform, Giftpack facilitates meaningful connections across the globe.

Global Delivery and User-Friendly Platform

One key feature that sets Giftpack apart is our ability to offer global delivery, ensuring they can receive a personalized gift from your company no matter where your recipients may be. Our platform is designed to be highly user-friendly, making the gifting process seamless and efficient for our clients. Giftpack has you covered if you're gifting an:

• Employee

• Customer

• VIP client

• Friend

• Family member

Personalized Gifting at Scale

With a vast selection of gifts sourced locally and globally, Giftpack makes personalized gifting accessible and achievable on a large scale.

Our goal is to deliver meaningful connections across the globe, ensuring that each gift has a lasting impact on the recipient. By leveraging data-driven insights and a diverse product catalog, we make it easy for companies to show their appreciation meaningfully and personally.

Try Giftpack's Client Gifting Service for Free Today

To take your corporate gifting strategy to the next level, consider trying Giftpack's client gifting service for free today. Our unique approach to personalized gifting is designed to help you strengthen relationships with your:

• Employees

• Customers

• Clients

See the difference it can make for your business. Try Giftpack's client gifting service for free today.

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Visit our product page to unlock the power of personalized employee appreciation gifts.

Ask us anything about Corporate Gifting
Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Sep 9th 202422 min read

About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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