The Ultimate Guide on How to Use Promotional Products Effectively
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The Ultimate Guide on How to Use Promotional Products Effectively

Use promotional products effectively with our comprehensive guide to maximize your marketing impact.

Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Sep 11th 202421 min read

woman holding a gift box - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

Promotional products are one of the most effective marketing tools available today. 79% of people can recall the branding on a promotional product they've received in the last two years, and 83% like receiving them. As you can imagine, this makes promotional products great for business. Corporate swag can help keep your company top of mind, warm up leads, and improve your sales. But not all promotional products are created equal. It's essential to choose the right ones and, even more importantly, to use them effectively to get the desired results.

Giftpack company branded swag is especially true regarding corporate swag or promotional products that market your business to other businesses. Let's look at how to use promotional products effectively to help you achieve your business goals.

What Are Promotional Products?

a stall with gifts - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

Promotional products, often called promo products or swag, are those branded products that companies give consumers, usually for free. Think of that pen with a logo, the tote bag you got at a conference, or the coffee mug you use every morning—these are all promotional items.

The idea behind them is pretty simple: by putting a company’s logo or message on something useful, the brand stays in front of people, reminding them of that company every time they use it. But these aren't just random freebies.

Psychological Impact of Receiving Free Items

Promotional items are a strategic marketing tool. They help companies increase brand awareness cost-effectively and impactfully. Consumers love free stuff, and they keep and use it when they receive something useful. This means the brand's message is repeatedly seen in homes, offices, and public spaces.

Statistical Evidence Supporting the Effectiveness of Promotional Products

What makes promotional items so effective? Well, the numbers speak for themselves. A staggering 86% of people can remember the brand on a promotional item they've received, even if it was given to them years ago.

And it’s not just about recall; these items also drive action. About 85% of people who receive a promotional item do business with the company that gave it to them. That’s a powerful return on a relatively small investment.

The Ubiquity of Promotional Products in Daily Life

These items are everywhere, too. Just look around your kitchen or office—chances are you have at least one promotional product in each room. They serve as a constant, subtle reminder of the brand that gave them to you, keeping that company at the top of your mind when it’s time to make a purchase or choose a service.

Whether it’s a USB drive, a tote bag, or even a simple pen, these promotional items do much more than you might think. They’re not just giveaways; they’re a smart way for businesses to stay visible and relevant, turning a small gift into a big opportunity for brand growth.

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Company Swag IdeasPromotional MarketingConference SwagBest Promotional ProductsEvent Marketing StrategiesCheap Swag IdeasGiveaway Ideas For EventsMarketing Products For Small BusinessSwag Items For Employees

What Makes A Good Promotional Products?

person with gifts - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

Useful to the Target Market

A key trait of an effective promotional product is its usefulness to the recipient. When a promotional item is practical and provides immediate value, the target market is more likely to keep and use it, which keeps your brand at the top of mind.

For example, everyday items like writing instruments, tech gadgets, or kitchen tools are often well-received because they serve a clear purpose in the recipient's daily life.

Longevity vs. Immediate Impact of Promotional Products

According to Tweak Your Biz, a promotional product kept for 1 to 3 years ensures prolonged brand visibility. This increases the likelihood that others, such as family or friends, will also notice your brand and associate it with positive recommendations.

Short-term use items, such as branded snacks or drinks, can also be practical, particularly in trade shows where attendees may appreciate something to eat or drink. While these items are consumed quickly, they can leave a lasting impression if they address an immediate need.


The design of a promotional product significantly impacts its effectiveness. While small business owners might be tempted to design their promotional items themselves, consulting with professional designers is often wise, especially for products like apparel.

A well-designed productis visually appealing and aligns with your brand’s image, making recipients proud to use and display the item. This is particularly important for shirts and hats, among the most popular promotional products. Users who wear these items become walking advertisements for your brand, so the design should be attractive and professional.

Represents Your Company Well

Promotional products should reflect your company's quality and values. Investing in high-quality items that function well can positively influence customers' perceptions of your brand. Even if given as gifts, distributing cheap or faulty products can damage your brand's reputation.

The promotional product should give the recipient a sense of your company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Choosing items that look good and perform well is crucial, reinforcing a positive image of your brand.

Enforces Brand Relevance

When selecting a promotional product, choosing something that aligns with your brand’s identity and the services or products you offer is essential. Brand relevance helps customers associate the promotional item with your company, making the gift more meaningful.

For example, a tech company might give away customized USB drives or power banks, while an outdoor gear brand might opt for water-resistant reusable bags or sunscreen. Choosing a promotional product closely related to your business strengthens the connection between the item and your brand, making it more likely that recipients will remember and think positively of your company when they use the product.

Giftpack’s Corporate Gifting Service

At Giftpack, our driving force is to simplify the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. Utilizing our custom AI algorithm, we create highly customized scenario swag box options for you. We deliver globally and have an extremely user-friendly platform. We curate the most fitting gifts from a vast catalog of over 3.5 million products worldwide (which is ever-increasing).

By carefully considering an individual's basic demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint, we tailor each gift selection process regardless of whether the recipient is an employee, a customer, a VIP client, a friend, or a family member. With a wide range of locally and globally sourced gifts, we ensure that personalized gifting is accessible and achievable on a large scale, delivering meaningful connections across the globe.

Try Giftpack's client gifting service for free today.

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How Effective Are Promotional Products?

customer looking happy - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

The digital era has changed the world, so businesses are now fighting every step of the way to retain customers. Chasing a larger ROI doesn’t have to involve endless TV ads. Promotional products still offer high marketing ROIs due to their impact on the public.

According to an ASI (Advertising Specialty Institute) case study from 2019, branded merchandise can still impress consumers. The study showed that they are almost 2.5 times more likely to think positively about tangible branded products than the ads. Promotional products, on average, remain in the recipient’s possession for about seven months. Your branded merchandise could continue to generate revenue as long as it is well-made and useful to the target audience.

Why Do Marketers And Businesses Use Promotional Products?

Create Memorable Experiences with Promotional Items

Promotional products help brands create memorable experiences. When potential customers receive a giveaway, they immediately connect with the brand, and the item reinforces their positive experience with the company.

For example, imagine attending an event where you’re handed a branded tote bag after participating in a fun activity. That tote bag isn’t just a freebie—it’s a reminder of your positive experience with that brand. Every time you use that bag, you recall that moment, which helps build a stronger connection to the brand.

Boost Brand Recognition

Promotional items also play a big role in boosting brand recognition. When someone uses a product with your company’s logo, they’re more likely to recognize your brand when they see it elsewhere, like on a store shelf or online. This familiarity can lead to increased trust and, ultimately, more sales.

Promote Your Company with Branded Goods

Another powerful aspect of promotional items is their ability to promote your company long after the initial interaction. If a consumer uses:

  • Branded pen
  • Mug
  • T-shirt daily

It’s like a walking advertisement that keeps spreading your brand’s message without any extra effort from you. This continuous exposure can help expand your audience and keep your brand at the top of your mind.

Foster Brand Loyalty with Useful Giveaways

Promotional items can help foster brand loyalty. When people receive something useful or enjoyable from your brand, it leaves a positive impression.

They’re more likely to think favorably of your company and consider purchasing your products or services in the future. A well-chosen promotional item can turn a one-time customer into a loyal advocate who keeps returning for more.

How Do Promotional Products Help Your Business?

analysis of roi - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

Boost Brand Recognition With Promotional Products

Picking the right promotional products can give your business a major boost in brand recognition. The first step to winning over a new customer is familiarizing them with your brand and what you offer.

The promotional products you hand out will help your customers remember you and what you do in the long run. If you choose the right product, the product and your brand will stay with them long. It will serve as a constant reminder of your company.

Everyday Exposure to Your Business

Other forms of advertising only stay in front of someone’s eyes for a few seconds. Useful promotional items stay in sight most of the time. A trendy T-shirt will stay in the recipient’s closet for years.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of people, see your brand name every time they wear it. A USB stick on their keychain reminds you of your company every time they use it. Think of these items like a years-long commercial.

Better Than a Business Card

Almost every businessperson is familiar with business cards. These useful tools for introducing yourself and your business to potential customers are useful. You might be surprised to learn that promotional products do the same thing but with even better results.

Almost three-quarters of people who receive a promotional item can remember the name of the company that gave it to them. The same can’t always be said when giving out a business card. When the item contains your information, like your logo, slogan, or contact information, it can be much more useful than a business card.

Promotional Products Deliver Massive ROI

Promotional products are one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising because they make a huge impression on those who receive them. Companies spend thousands on digital marketing without knowing their return on investment.

When you buy promotional products, you can feel confident in the return you’ll receive: 85.4% of consumers would rather receive a promotional product than a marketing email. Here’s an angle you perhaps hadn’t considered: In any business, your people are your greatest resource. Greeting new hires with gift sets of branded desk accessories like:

  • Mousepads
  • Sticky notes
  • Stress relievers

It can make them feel welcome immediately, strengthening their loyalty and affinity toward their new company.

They Resonate With Your Audience

It is crucial to choose promotional gifts that your audience will use. If you give away high-quality, full-color T-shirts or writing equipment, people will likely wear and use them. Consider the environmental impact of sustainable drinkware or tote bags, which are also useful to consumers in their everyday lives and replace single-use water bottles and grocery bags.

These items are especially appealing to eco-conscious folks looking to reduce their use of plastics and connect your brand to the cause. When your audience uses your promo items, they become a walking advertisement for your brand, so make sure the products you choose tell the brand story you want to share.

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How To Use Promotional Products Effectively With These 14 Tips

team in discussion of marketing campaign - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

1. Understand Your Audience First

Before you start ordering promotional products, stop and think about who you want to reach. The key is aligning the products with your business and target audience. For example, a yo-yo might not be the best fit for a dental practice, and a generic notebook may not capture the tech-savvy crowd for an IT firm.

By considering what your audience values, you can choose items they'll appreciate and use, turning them into advocates for your brand. To get it right, consider gathering feedback from your team and existing customers before placing your order.

2. Craft a Clear and Compelling Message

What do you want your promotional products to say about your business? Whether it's just your logo, a catchy design, or a memorable message, make sure it's clear and relatable. A well-crafted message can convey your brand's essence and leave a lasting impression.

A poorly thought-out message might make your brand seem disconnected or unprofessional. Take your time with this step—once you're confident in your message, you can proceed with printing.

3. Make Your Products Stand Out

No one will remember a cheap pen or a basic tote bag with just a logo slapped. If you want your promotional products to be effective, they must be memorable and high-quality.

Think outside the box: Unique designs on conference folders, creatively branded mugs, or stylish hoodies can turn ordinary items into something people love to use. The right design doesn't just make the recipient happy; it turns them into a walking advertisement for your brand, grabbing attention wherever they go.

4. Calculate Your Needs Wisely

Before you hit the 'order' button, take a moment to figure out how many promotional items you need. If you plan to give them away at a trade show, ensure you have enough to meet demand without running out mid-event.

You want to avoid overordering and ending up with boxes of unused products. Striking the right balance will help you avoid waste and ensure you have enough to make an impact.

5. Start from Within Your Company

Effective branding starts at home. Before focusing on external customers, consider giving your employees branded items like:

  • Tote bags
  • Travel mugs
  • T-shirts

This boosts morale and serves as a mini-test to see which products get the most use. Think of it as a way to build company culture while refining your promotional strategy.

6. Don't Forget About Existing Customers

While attracting new customers is important, pay attention to the ones you already have. Maintaining loyalty is crucial, especially when competitors are offering enticing deals. Promotional products can keep your existing customers engaged and feeling valued. They're also more likely to become brand ambassadors, spreading the word about your business.

7. Open Doors with Promotional Gifts

Your sales team can use promotional products to break the ice with potential clients. Imagine a sales agent struggling to get a meeting but then sending a thoughtful promotional gift basket—suddenly, the doors might open. Fun and useful promotional items can leave a positive impression, making it easier to establish a connection.

8. Make Life Easier for Your PR Team

Promotional products can be a great way to support your public relations efforts. When you're trying to share good news, sending a small gift to editors or journalists can help capture their attention. It's not about bribing the press; it's about standing out in a sea of requests and building goodwill. A little gesture can make them more likely to share your positive stories.

9. Boost Your Brand's Visibility

Sponsoring an event? That's a perfect opportunity to distribute promotional products that keep your brand front and center. When your name and logo are on items people keep and use, you extend your brand's visibility beyond the event itself. Promotional products can offer long-term brand exposure at a relatively low cost.

10. Leverage Social Media with Promotional Items

Social media can amplify the reach of your promotional products. Consider running contests where participants must share your posts or answer questions about your business to win.

You can also encourage customers to post pictures with your products for a chance to win more. This not only increases engagement but also helps you reach new audiences.

11. Measure Your Success

After your promotional campaign wraps up, take the time to analyze its effectiveness. Did your investment increase sales, new customer leads, or higher brand awareness? By comparing the costs with the results, you can determine whether this strategy was worthwhile and decide if it's worth repeating.

12. Consistent Branding

Maintain consistent branding across all promotional items to fortify your brand identity and enhance its recognizability. This is the whole point of a promotional product marketing campaign. This includes using your logo, selecting the same colors and fonts, and maintaining consistent messaging across all products.

13. Timely Distribution

Timely and strategically placed distribution of promo products at events or milestones can evoke excitement and relevance. This will ensure they reach the right audience at the right moment, maximizing their impact and effectiveness.

14. Engaging Designs

Craft captivating designs for your promotional products that spotlight your company logo and name, enhancing their memorability and effectiveness use:

  • Bright colors
  • Cool shapes
  • Unique patterns
  • Bold fonts
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Make your promotional items stand out and catch your potential client's eye. I want to get a few laughs out of them or design something difficult to forget. That way, you'll start at the top of your mind for a longer period.

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5 Effective Tips On How To Choose A Promotional Item

effective tips to choose an item - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

1. Cost Effectiveness: Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

Your choices when selecting promotional products can greatly impact how well your brand resonates with your audience. Here’s how to approach it. To start, it’s essential to balance your budget with the value of the promotional product.

You want to ensure that whatever you give is worth the investment. If you’re on a tight budget, handing out something low-cost, like branded stickers, might be a smarter move than expensive t-shirts. The key is ensuring that your promotional product is affordable and effective in spreading your brand’s message without breaking the bank.

2. Make Your Brand the Star of the Show

The whole point of a promotional product is to keep your brand front and center, so make sure your logo or brand message is clear and prominently displayed. Even if the item is useful and cost-effective, it won’t do its job if people can’t easily identify where it came from. The design should be unique and memorable to stand out and keep your brand in mind whenever the item is used.

3. Go Green with Eco-Friendly Products

More consumers are mindful of environmental impact, and your brand can reflect that by choosing eco-friendly promotional products. Opt for products made from sustainable materials or those in recyclable packaging.

This shows your commitment to the environment and aligns with the values of many consumers who prefer to support environmentally responsible companies. Going green with your swag can differentiate your brand in a crowded market.

4. Quality: Don’t Settle for Less

The quality of your promotional products matters. 72% of customers believe that the promo's quality equals the company's reputation. Investing in well-crafted, durable products ensures that your items withstand wear and tear, reflecting positively on your brand.

High-quality items are more likely to be used over time and convey a sense of value and care. Choosing durable products from premium materials to superior craftsmanship helps build a positive brand image and shows your commitment to providing value.

5. Choose the Right Vendor for Your Promotional Products

Once you’ve nailed down your budget and understood your needs, it’s time to choose the right vendor. With so many options, it's crucial to pick a supplier that aligns with your quality standards and pricing expectations.

For example, companies like Giftpack make the process easier by offering a vast catalog of products and customization options. Their platform is user-friendly, and they even use AI to help you select the most fitting promotional products, which can be a real time saver. Finding the right vendor ensures you get the best product that is aligned with your brand and budget.

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Examples Of Effective Promotional Products Recipients Actually

red themed gifts - How To Use Promotional Products Effectively

Phone Cases: Protecting Devices and Promoting Your Brand

Phone cases are practical and personal, protecting devices while offering a canvas for your company’s logo or design. They come in various styles, including:

  • Slim
  • Rugged
  • Wallet cases

To fit different needs. Customizing phone cases with your brand’s logo ensures that your company is visible every time the phone is used, making them a highly effective promotional item.

Waterproof Phone Pouches: A Practical Investment

Waterproof phone pouches protect devices from water, dust, and dirt. They are especially useful for outdoor activities, travel, or beach trips.

Look for pouches with secure closures and transparent fronts to allow phone use while protected. Customizing them with your company’s logo ensures that your brand is associated with practicality and protection in various environments.

Branded Socks: Swag with Personality

Branded socks are a fun and comfortable swag item that adds a playful touch to your gifts. They can feature creative designs, patterns, or your company’s logo, making them functional and fashionable. Opt for high-quality materials and various sizes to ensure they are enjoyable to wear. Customizing socks adds a unique element to your swag collection and enhances brand visibility.

Custom Aprons: For the Culinary Employees

Custom aprons are perfect for employees who enjoy cooking or grilling. They provide a practical way to protect clothing while showcasing your company’s logo.

Look for aprons made from durable, easy-to-clean materials, including features like adjustable straps and pockets. Customizing them with your brand’s design makes them a functional and appreciated gift for cooking enthusiasts.

Eco-Friendly Notebooks: Promote Sustainability

Eco-friendly notebooks are made from sustainable materials like recycled paper or bamboo, promoting environmental responsibility. They provide a stylish and practical way to take notes or jot down ideas.

Customizing them with your company’s logo reinforces your commitment to sustainability while offering a useful item. For added appeal, choose notebooks with high-quality paper and durable covers.

Portable Power Banks: A Gift for the Modern Employee

Portable power banks are essential for keeping devices charged on the go. They are practical for travel, commutes, or emergencies.

Look for high-capacity power banks, multiple charging ports, and compact designs. Customizing them with your company’s logo ensures that your brand is associated with convenience and modern technology.

Desk Organizers: Promote Office Organization

Desk organizers help keep workspaces tidy and are efficient by providing compartments for pens, paper, and other office supplies. They are practical for maintaining an organized desk and improving productivity. Customizing desk organizers with your company’s logo adds a professional touch and ensures your brand is present in the employee’s workspace.

Thick Throw Blanket: A Luxurious Gift

A thick throw blanket is a luxurious gift that adds warmth and comfort. A high-quality blanket can enhance comfort and is ideal for cold office environments or cozying up at home.

Look for blankets made from fleece or knit, which provide warmth and softness. Customizing the blanket with your company’s logo or colors is a practical gift that reinforces your brand. It’s a thoughtful way to show appreciation while ensuring employees feel valued and comfortable.

Branded T-Shirts: A Swag Staple

Branded T-shirts are a staple in company swag, offering functionality and brand visibility. They can be designed with creative graphics, company slogans, or logos, making them versatile for casual wear or as part of a company uniform.

A well-designed T-shirt serves as a walking advertisement for your brand and fosters a sense of team unity. Offering various sizes and styles ensures they cater to all employees, promoting inclusivity and engagement.

High-Quality Pens: Don’t Overlook the Basics

High-quality pens are a practical and sophisticated choice for company swag. They are often used daily for note-taking, signing documents, or brainstorming ideas, constantly reminding you of your brand.

Opt for pens with smooth ink flow, ergonomic grips, and a stylish design. Customizing them with your logo adds a professional touch and ensures that your brand is associated with quality and attention to detail.

Notebooks and Journals: A Classic Choice

Custom notebooks and journals are invaluable for jotting down ideas, making plans, or organizing tasks. They are often used in meetings, brainstorming sessions, or personal reflection.

High-quality paper and a durable cover enhance the user experience. Personalizing them with your company’s logo or branding elements provides a professional touch and ensures that your brand remains front and center in employees’ daily routines.

Portable Phone Chargers: A Practical Necessity

In today’s fast-paced world, portable phone chargers are a practical necessity. They provide a quick solution for powering devices during meetings, commutes, or travel.

Look for chargers with a high capacity and multiple charging ports to accommodate various devices. Customizing them with your company’s logo ensures that your brand is associated with convenience and modern technology, making them a highly valued gift.

Stainless Steel Tumblers: A No-Brainer

Stainless steel tumblers are ideal for keeping beverages at the perfect temperature, whether hot or cold. Their durability and insulation properties make them practical for office use and travel.

Look for tumblers with spill-resistant lids and ergonomic designs. Customizing them with your company’s logo or design enhances their appeal and ensures your brand is prominently displayed.

Stylish Travel Mugs: For Coffee Lovers on the Go

Travel mugs are perfect for employees who enjoy coffee or tea on the go. They are designed to be portable and feature features like spill-proof lids and thermal insulation to keep drinks at the right temperature.

A stylish design and your company’s branding make them practical and visually appealing. They help promote your brand while providing a daily convenience for employees.

Wireless Earbuds: A Modern Choice

Wireless earbuds are a modern, high-tech swag option that offers convenience and quality. They are perfect for employees who enjoy listening to music, podcasts or taking calls without the hassle of tangled cords.

Look for earbuds with good sound quality, a comfortable fit, and long battery life. Customizing the charging case with your company’s logo adds a personal touch and enhances the perceived value of the gift.

Enjoying this article? Learn about making employee appreciation easier with Giftpack

Build A Meaningful Employee Recognition Program With Ease with Giftpack's Client Gifting Service

Giftpack's driving force is to simplify the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. Utilizing our custom AI algorithm, we create highly customized scenario swag box options for you. We deliver globally and have an extremely user-friendly platform. We curate the most fitting gifts from a vast catalog of over 3.5 million products worldwide (which is ever-increasing).

By carefully considering an individual's basic demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint, we tailor each gift selection process regardless of whether the recipient is an employee, a customer, a VIP client, a friend, or a family member. With a wide range of locally and globally sourced gifts, we ensure that personalized gifting is accessible and achievable on a large scale, delivering meaningful connections across the globe.

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Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Sep 11th 202421 min read

About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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