When Is The Best Time For Employee Gifting?
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When Is The Best Time For Employee Gifting?

Timing is the key. This phrase works literally for everything. Doing the right thing at the right time is super important, same goes with corporate gifting!

Victoria Pi

Victoria Pi

Jun 19th 20234 min read

a man and a woman talking to each other

Most people would agree that timing is everything. Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish, things will turn out better if it’s been done at the right time.

It is the same thing with employee gifting. When you are thinking about giving your employee a joyful surprise with a gift to celebrate, you must consider the occasion and timing.

The best times for gifting are moments worth remembering and actions worth applauding. A meaningful gift encourages workers to strive for improvements and implement changes. Time your gifts correctly to maximize its impact and leave a memorable impression on your recipients. In this article, you will learn 5 most important occasions to send gifts to your employees which are proven to increase your employee engagement, productivity and loyalty.

Top 5 gifting occasions:

  • Say “thank you”
  • Employee recognition
  • Milestones
  • Celebrations
  • Festive season

Say “Thank You”

Gestures of kindness aren’t forgotten and words of praise can make a difference in someone’s day. Cherish the talented people you have with a gift that conveys their value to the team. Recognition is essential in retaining employees and fostering a sense of belonging within the company. Surprise gifts interrupting routine patterns of work welcome a change in pace from the mundane. Spotlight recipients and recognize them for their substantial contributions and high performance. A small token of appreciation can work wonders on uplifting someone’s mood.

Employee Recognition

Employee recognition is one of the most important things to help retain your employees. Every worker has a valuable role they play in the running of the company. Acknowledge the sacrifices and contributions the employees have made with gifts that reflect their hard work. Express your gratitude with gifts emphasizing their importance to the team.

No office? No problem. Gifts overcome physical distance barriers to land right on the doorstep of any worker. Remote teams benefit from a healthy company gifting culture. Without a physical office space, it can be challenging for employees to feel they belong to the wider organization or see the impact of their work. Prevent them from withdrawing and reinforce their importance. Read about 10 ways to boost employee morale during COVID-19.


Reaching a company milestone is a great time to send out employee gifts.

Welcome Gift

Make a memorable first impression. Pick a gift that shows you took extra time and effort to make them feel a part of the company. Starting off the relationship on a positive note with a thoughtful gift sets you apart from the rest. Establish a caring company culture and strengthen an employee's link to the company from the start.


Go the extra mile to highlight successes within the company. Applaud employees who receive promotions and motivate others to follow their example. Compliment them on becoming 1 step closer to their career goals with a gift reflective of their achievements.


Gifts are the perfect way to commemorate the continued dedication and loyalty of a longstanding employee. Take a step back to recall their significant work for the business and feature the best moments. Great gifts for retirees are ones with a human touch, like a card containing a compilation of thank you messages and stories from people they’ve interacted with.


Any occasion is worth celebrating! Someone’s birthday is in a couple of days? Send a gift. The project reached its KPIs? Send a gift. Gifting makes any celebration more impactful and unique. Especially during difficult times, these small moments of happiness are short escapes. A token of appreciation can uplift your recipient’s day.

For instance, combat the isolating feelings of remote work by posting a care package to your team. Remind them of their value and importance to the company. A gift connects you to your team as virtual meetings don’t replicate the office.

Festive Season

The holiday season and gift exchange go hand-in-hand in creating unforgettable experiences. Businesses love gifting around this time, so the challenge becomes how to stand out among the crowd.

Dedicate time to think about your recipient and ways to go about personalizing the gift. Small gestures like picking out the right gift color, handwriting a card, or delivering in-person can be just as effective as loud gestures of extravagant gifts. Check out our guide to saving money on gifting this holiday season.

However, selecting, packaging, and shipping gifts is a time-consuming and expensive process. It’s easier to send the same gift to everyone, but it can come off as impersonal and thoughtless. Let Giftpack take care of all your gifting needs this year. Powered by artificial intelligence technology, Giftpack quickly and effortlessly matches each recipient with tailored gift options. From selecting gifts to tracking gift data, Giftpack ensures your gifting experience is seamless and efficient.

Are you part of an up-and-coming startup? Giftpack is offering startups a chance to try its gifting service at a fraction of the cost and free credits so you can send a thank you gift for those helping your business thrive.

Victoria Pi

Victoria Pi

Jun 19th 20234 min read

About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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