46 Easy & Fun Work Christmas Party Games To End The Year
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46 Easy & Fun Work Christmas Party Games To End The Year

Discover 46 creative and enjoyable Christmas party games perfect for your work celebration to wrap up the year!

Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Sep 16th 202435 min read

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The office is decorated for the holidays, with everyone wearing ugly sweaters and the smell of gingerbread in the air. It's time for the work Christmas party and team holiday gifts, but despite the festive setting, the atmosphere feels a little off. Small talk and polite laughter fill the room as people stand near the snack table, unsure of how to start conversations. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Work Christmas parties can be difficult to manage, but you can help people connect with some creative games. Our blog on work Christmas party games offers a variety of ideas to help people relax and enjoy the event. Whether you want to encourage teamwork, get people laughing, or simply help them interact, we have a range of games to suit any office environment.

Of course, every holiday party is complete with some Team Holiday Gifts. Our friends at Giftpack have you covered with company-branded swag that’s sure to be a hit with your colleagues.

What is a Work Christmas Party?

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A work Christmas party is a festive gathering where employers celebrate the holiday season with their team. These events can be held at the office or a rented venue like a restaurant or event space.

Although they center around Christmas, many companies aim to create an inclusive atmosphere by recognizing other holidays, such as:

• Hanukkah

• Kwanzaa

• The winter season

This makes everyone feel welcome.

Why Companies Go All Out for Holiday Parties

Work Christmas parties are more than just festivities. They’re a thank you from employers for the past year's hard work, recognizing the team's efforts. It’s a chance for everyone to unwind, socialize outside the regular work environment, and gear up for the new year. These parties foster camaraderie, recognize hard work, and set a positive tone as the new year approaches.

Building Bonds Beyond the Office

Connecting with colleagues outside work is one of the best parts of a work Christmas party. Whether chatting over appetizers or teaming up for a party game, it’s a great time to build relationships and strengthen the workplace bond.

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How Do You Make a Staff Christmas Party Fun?

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Amp Up the Fun with Interactive Games

Games break the ice and boost bonding. Try holiday trivia to test team knowledge of Christmas traditions, movies, and songs.

Charades is a classic and can be themed around holiday movies. A gingerbread house competition? Yes, please. Provide the supplies and let teams compete for the best design. It’s about laughing and connecting.

Set the Scene with Themed Activities

Choose a theme to set the party mood. An ugly sweater contest is always a hit. Encourage the team to wear their most outrageous sweaters and award prizes for the best. Secret Santa adds surprise and excitement to the mix. A DIY ornament station can let your team unleash creativity and take home a festive keepsake.

Keep It Festive with Food and Drinks

Food is the life of any party. A hot cocoa bar with marshmallows, whipped cream, and peppermint sticks screams festive. Encourage team members to bring their favorite holiday snacks or spread a spread of holiday treats.

Signature cocktails or mocktails add a special touch to the event. These simple gestures create a cozy and joyful atmosphere.

Create a Fun Atmosphere

Decorations transform a venue and lift spirits. Choose a cohesive theme for the decor, like a winter wonderland or Santa’s workshop. A photo booth with props can be a hit, offering employees a way to capture fun memories together. It’s all about setting a mood that everyone can enjoy.

Get Everyone Involved

Participation is key. Survey preferences for activities, food, and themes to ensure the event clicks with your team. Allow employees to opt-in for games and activities without pressure. Making sure everyone feels comfortable is crucial for a good time. It’s about inclusion, not obligation.

Celebrate Success

A party is a great time to recognize achievements. An awards ceremony can highlight fun categories like Best Team Player or Most Creative Holiday Spirit. A moment for thank-you speeches can express gratitude for your team's efforts throughout the year. Recognition boosts morale and shows appreciation.

Keep the Excitement Alive

Surprises keep the party fresh. Organize a raffle with fun prizes to keep everyone engaged. Live entertainment, like a local band or DJ, can keep energy levels high throughout the evening. These unexpected elements add a layer of excitement and enjoyment.

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Why Throw a Work Christmas Party?

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Staff Engagement, Staff Motivation & Staff Retention

Employees with high morale, enjoy each other’s company, and work well together will be more engaged with the company's objectives and more motivated to achieve their personal goals and targets. Studies have shown that disengaged workers have 37% higher absenteeism and make 60% more errors. Companies with a disengaged workforce are less productive by 18% and less profitable by 16%.

Studies suggest that happy employees are up to 20% more productive than unhappy employees. According to an APA study, employed adults who report feeling valued by their employer are more motivated to do their very best for their employer (93%). Those who do not feel valued are significantly more likely to report that they intend to seek employment outside of their company in the following year (50%).

Team Morale

If business is good, it is great for the business owners. When business is good, it often means your staff works extremely hard and for long hours. The stress and pressure of this working environment and the pressure to achieve targets can hurt staff morale.

Giving your employees something to look forward to at the end of the year can be a great morale booster. It will make staff feel valued and part of something bigger. Having something in common to look forward to can promote camaraderie amongst staff and give them something to talk about, no matter what department they work in, their level of seniority, or their interests.

Better Relationships

Most people spend a third of their lives at work. Just because your staff spend around eight hours a day together doesn’t mean that they have much time to talk to each other about non-work-related matters. If your employees can get on and relate to each other on a personal level, it will strengthen their working relationships, too.

Employees and teams that work well together will be far more productive than employees and teams that don’t. Two heads are only better than one when the two heads are working together! Your Christmas party will provide the perfect opportunity for staff to let their hair down and bond with each other on a deeper level.

Humanises Senior Management

Suppose employees feel like there is a barrier between them and senior management. In that case, they will be less likely to raise any issues they have or identify and less likely to suggest how the company can improve.

A Christmas party that brings staff of all levels together in one place, sitting on the same tables allows employees to get to know their senior management team on a personal level and allows senior management to show their fun side (especially if they are generally seen as the authoritarian in the office)!

HR Marketing Opportunity

A bonus to all of the employee benefits is that a Christmas party will also allow you to shout about how good an employer you are. If you are trying to attract new talent, the benefits you offer staff could be the difference between recruiting the person you want and that person going to one of your competitors.

6% of organizations will host a Christmas party for staff; you don’t want to stand out for being part of the 14% that don’t! So if you decide to hold a Christmas party, promote it on your online channels to showcase what you do for your staff. According to an APA study, employed adults who report feeling valued by their employer are more likely to report they would recommend their workplace to others (85%).


Although we have highlighted many benefits a Christmas party can bring, we understand that they cost money, and the money needs to come from somewhere. But don’t worry because a lot of the expenses incurred will be tax deductible.

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What Are Some Games You Can Play At A Christmas Party? 46 Work Christmas Party Games

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1. Karaoke All The Way

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear. These words are immortal. After all, Christmas without songs is like life without a soul. Including songs at the parties is a must. And the best way to add songs at Christmas parties is by organizing karaoke. No matter how bad your employees' singing skills are, Karaoke has room for everyone.

If your pack is ready to set the office on fire, ask them to grab the mic and sing an awesome holiday song.

Steps to Play Karaoke Challenge

Step 1. Inform your employees a few days before the karaoke challenge. This will give them some time to prepare better.

Step 2. Rent a Karaoke machine and ensure it has the best collection of holiday songs.

Step 3. Appoint a few judges amongst your colleagues who share the love and passion for music. Allow them to score the performers based on the parameters listed below:

• Rendition

• Song Selection

• Vocal Techniques

• Showmanship

Step 4. The singers who perform well on these parameters shall be rewarded in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.

2. Gingerbread House Decoration

The Gingerbread house decoration challenge is one of the most creative and delightful games to play with friends. Missing this game is a sin when it comes to a fun bake-off and decorating challenges.

So this Christmas, keep the gingerbread house decoration challenge in your games-to-play-at-office list. But make sure to be ready with the items listed below:

• Some pre-assembled graham cracker houses.

• Some extra crackers for making chimneys, dormers, or house porches.

• Assorted candies like jelly beans, gummy bears, cane candies, gum drops, etc.

• Frosting or royal icing along with sprinkling sugar or confetti.

• Tables

• Spoons, forks, and knives

Steps to play Gingerbread House Decoration Challenge

Step 1. Divide all employees into groups of five. You can divide the employees into groups through easy, rapid-fire fun games.

Step 2. Allot one table and timer or watch to each group.

Step 3. Give each group a pre-assembled graham cracker house, extra crackers, assorted candies, and royal icing. Also, please provide them with utilities like forks, spoons, and knives.

Step 4. Notify all the participants of the allotted time to complete the challenge. Ten to twelve minutes should suffice.

Step 5. Once the duration of the challenge is over, request the employees to step back. And allow the judges to score the teams based on the following parameters:

• Originality

• Design

• Appearance

• Teamwork

Step 6. The team with the highest score wins the challenge.

Once decorated and out in the open, gingerbread houses may collect dust and grime and attract ants. It's recommended that they be stored in an airtight container.

3. Guess Who’s The Kid

There is no better game than Guess Who's The Kid. to recall the fondest and funniest childhood memories. Unexpected waves of laughter are guaranteed while playing the game. Whether or not employees can identify the mini-version of their colleagues, this challenge is sure to enliven the Christmas party.

Steps to play Guess Who’s The Kid Challenge

Step 1. Request your employees to bring their childhood photo.

Step 2. Assign a number to each photograph and post it on a wall or pin-up board.

Step 3. Encourage your employees to identify their colleagues from their childhood.

Step 4. The one with the maximum number of correct answers wins the challenge.

Request the employees to bring their childhood photos taken during the holiday season. This will add a touch of nostalgia.

4. The Gift Wrap Challenge

Gifts are amazing and unwrapping them even more. Unwrapping and discovering what's inside is an endless source of enjoyment. Not only do they raise excitement levels, but they also add an element of suspense.

One such game is the Gift Wrap Challenge, which you can add to the list of Christmas party games.

Steps to play The Gift Wrap Challenge

Step 1. Bring in a nice present for the winner. A reward worth working hard for.

Step 2. Wrap the present in multiple layers of wrapping paper.

Step 3. Request all the employees to sit in a circle and pass the gift around while playing music.

Step 4. When the music stops, allow the person holding the gift to unwrap a layer of paper. (Only one layer must be unwrapped at a time)

Step 5. Repeat the game until the last layer of paper is unwrapped.

Step 6. The participant who unwraps the last layer of the gift gets the opportunity to keep it.

Avoid gifting something fragile, as it may break during the game since it entails passing the gift several times.

5. Face on the Elf

Elves are integral to the holiday season and keep the Christmas spirit alive. The cute-looking diminutive figures, whose hallmark is their long and pointed ears, add so much cheer. Without them, Christmas parties at home or the office are incomplete.

Including the elves at your office party would be a great idea. And what better way would there be other than incorporating them into your games? Face on the Elf is an interesting game to play. They are challenging yet fun.

• Items you'll require

• Printed faces

• Printed Elf

• A tape

• One or few blindfolds

Steps to play Face On The Elf

Step 1. Print a few sheets of elf drawing and tape the halves together on a wall.

Step 2. Print out a photo of every employee. Ensure the faces fit the space where the elf's face is attached.

Step 3. Now, cut them out and attach double-sided tape on the back of each one.

Step 4. Allow the participants to hold onto their printed faces and then blindfold them.

Step 5. Direct the employees a few feet from the elf's body on the wall.

Step 6. Spin the player a couple of times and ask them to proceed.

Step 7. Check if they can stick their printed face onto the elf's face.

Step 8. Participants who get closest to the anatomically correct face placement win the challenge.

There is limited time to stick the printed face onto the elf's face, making the game even more challenging and thrilling.

6. Santa Hats Challenge

If you can get some Santa hats, you are ready for a unique Christmas office game scene. Santa Hat Challenge is an easy-to-play game and perfect for office spaces. This game will surely break your employees into laughter as it progresses. So, give the Santa hat game a try this Christmas.

Steps to play the Santa Hat Game

Step 1. Provide a Santa Hats to each guest as they enter the office.

Step 2. Appoint one employee as the captain or leader. Introduce the appointed leader to all participants.

Step 3. The captain of the game is in charge of taking the hat on and off. The rest of the participants must follow their captain's action.

Step 4. Ask all the employees to follow the captain and take the hat on and off as and when the captain does.

Step 5. If someone is not quick enough to follow the action, they lose.

Step 6. The one who properly follows the leader and is swift in undertaking the action wins the challenge.

Create some exciting challenges to add more fun to the game. You can also penalize the participants by asking them to mimic famous actors or sing silly Christmas songs if they fail to complete the challenge. This will animate the game even more.

7. Santa Belly Bust

Yet another fun game with Santa at its center. Santa Belly Bust is a new joy for all your employees. The only challenge will be to keep your employees from falling on the floor laughing after seeing their co-workers bursting bellies. So, if your team is up for some epic ROFL, try this game.

Steps to play Santa Belly Bust

Step 1. Inflate balloons and ask your employees to place them under their shirts.

Step 2. Instruct the participants to keep their hands behind their backs.

Step 3. Play the music.

Step 4. Encourage all employees to bust the balloons under their shirts without using their hands.

Step 5. After a few months, stop the music.

Step 6. The last set of employees with a Santa Belly on loses the challenge. They must keep the balloons under their shirts for the rest of the party.

If employees are not comfortable putting the balloons under their shirts, allow them to carry a fabric belt or provide a piece of long ribbon to tie to their bellies.

8. Identify the Christmas Songs/ Guess the Movie

Introducing challenging games can make your office Christmas party amusing and engaging. Games that test employees' general knowledge will add a punch of positive competition and encourage learning.

A few classic knowledge test games during Christmas is guessing the Christmas song or identifying the movies.

Steps to Play Guess the Christmas Song or Identify the Movies

Step 1. Create a list of Christmas songs and movies. Ensure not to disclose it to anyone.

Step 2. Divide your employees into a group of 3.

Step 3. For Songs Play the first few lines of the songs.

Step 4. For Movies Play a few clips or popular scenes from the movie.

Step 5. Grant all the teams some time to make the guesses.

Step 6. Ask employees to raise their hands if they think they know the answers. Members of the team that raises their hands first will be able to answer.

Step 7. The team with the highest number of correct guesses shall win the game.

Include both classic and new songs or movies. This should appeal to both young and aged employees. It will also provide a fair chance for everyone to make guesses.

9. Funny Employee Awards

Christmas is a wonderful time to appreciate and nurture the culture of employee recognition at work. But it doesn't need to be a mundane ceremony. Adding some humor could make it interesting.

The one fantastic way to add humor to the Christmas get-together in the office is by uniquely awarding unconventional employees. Let's figure out how.

Steps to Organize Funny Employee Award

Step 1. Arrange a few trophies or gift hampers. You can also provide sashes with unique titles printed on them.

Step 2. Jot down some unique and humorous titles for the awards.

Step 3. Conduct a poll and request all employees to vote for the candidates most deserving of the given humorous titles.

Step 4. Once the poll is done and the results have arrived, trophies will be used to commemorate the unconventional employees in the ceremony.

Step 5. Request winning employees to give a one-minute speech. This will make it even more fun.

The game's idea is to reward employees for their unconventional traits. Don't make it a pull-one-down fest. Request employees to play it with good spirit and humor.

10. Find the Jingle Bells

It's time for some adventure. And what better adventure game could there be other than jingle bell hunting? The popular jingle bell hunt is more fun than one could imagine, and employees can play it easily. Their only challenge will be to be on red alert throughout and searching.

Steps to Play Find the Jingle Bells

Step 1. Buy a few dozen of jingle bells.

Step 2. Hide a bunch of jingle bells around the office before the party begins.

Step 3. Ask someone to volunteer for the game.

Step 4. Once the party starts and employees are ready for the hunt, allot 5 minutes to each of them to search for the bells.

Step 5. Set the timer on and ask the employees to hunt for the bells around the office.

Step 6. After the allotted time ends, the employee with the most jingle bells in their kitties wins the hunting challenge.

To avoid chaos while the hunting game is on, you can divide employees into teams and allow only a few teams to hunt at once.

11. The Great Christmas Hunt

With Christmas Scavenger Hunt, the adventure will be at its peak. This game is not only engaging but is tough too. After all, how good is a game if it is not challenging? So, if your team is up for some challenges, go for this hunt.

Items you'll require:

• Prints of the list of items to hunt for in the office

• Several holiday or Christmas items like balls, cookies, candies, candles, stockings, Santa hats, etc.

• A Santa Bag

• A timer or watch

Steps to Play Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Step 1. Scatter or hide the items around the office.

Step 2. Divide the employees into groups of 5 and ask them to pick a name for their team.

Step 3. Distribute the list of items to hunt for to all employees.

Step 4. Ask the employees to put the items in their Santa bags and checkmark the boxes in the list when they find the items they're searching for.

Step 5. Allot 5-10 minutes to the participants and set the timer when the teams are ready for the hunt.

Step 6. After the duration ends, ask the employees to stand with their respective teams along with the items they've collected.

Step 7. Request the volunteer to count the number of items hunted by each team. The team with the highest number of Christmas items pursued wins the challenge and gets to keep all of those.

Tip: Scatter the Christmas-related items all around the office. Use spaces that are not immediately visible, making the game more adventurous and thrilling.

12. Never Have I Ever

One of the purposes of organizing Christmas parties or get-togethers is to get to know one another better. Playing games like Never Have I Ever is a great way to learn about each other. This game requires little to no props and can be played anywhere and anytime.

Avoid asking scandalous questions. It should not turn out to be a privacy invasion challenge. Rather, enjoy the game by asking questions that spark good humor and laughter. For example:

• Never Have I Ever fallen asleep in the office.

• Never Have I Ever lied to the boss.

• Never Have I Ever gifted gifts to anyone.

• Never Have I Ever run a marathon.

Asking light-hearted questions will not be boring but will help employees to realize how alike they are with their co-workers. So, if you've decided to incorporate this game into your Christmas games list, then look at the steps to play this game.

Steps to Play Never Have I Ever

Step 1. Prepare a list of questions for the challenges. Go through it thoroughly before posting them.

Step 2. Request someone to host the game.

Step 3. Gather all the employees in a circle who are willing to play this game.

Step 4. The host will raise the first question and the following question after that.

Step 5. Ask employees to put one finger down if they've done what the host has said.

Step 6. The host will move to the next question, one after the other, until the questions are exhausted.

Step 7. With fingers remaining up, the employee wins the epic Never Have I Ever challenge.

Christmas without cookies is like Spiderman without Mary Jane. Those snowflake, star, or bear-shaped cookies are the highlights of the holiday season. Not only do they look amazing, but they also taste great and are an excellent gifting option.

But you'll be interested to know that cookies can also be a part of some fun office games. Games like Cookie Swap Challenge are very engaging and can truly add to the Christmas cheers.

Step 1. Count the number of people participating in the Cookie Swap Challenge.

Step 2. Bake a sample of delicious cookies in different shapes, keeping in mind the number of people participating. If more people join in, it would be a good idea to bake some extra cookies.

Step 3. At your office, exchange cookies with each other along with warm Christmas greetings.

Step 4. After everyone has gifted cookies to one another, the tasty-trade-off ends.

14. Dangling Doughnuts

The dangling doughnut challenge will be a fun twist to the party. The game tests not just how many doughnuts one can have at a given time but also one's coordination, strategy, and willingness.

Items you'll require: • A few dozen of doughnuts

• String rolls

• A bar or ceiling to hang the doughnuts

• Timer or watch

Steps to play Dangling Doughnut Challenge

Step 1. Hang the doughnuts on a bar or the ceiling at a height that is neither too high nor too low.

Step 2. Ask the employees to eat the doughnuts while keeping their hands behind their backs. They cannot touch the doughnuts with their hands at any time in the game.

Step 3. Communicate to the players to raise their hands when they're done eating the doughnuts.

Step 4. Set the timer after communicating the rules and ensuring that the participants are ready.

Step 5. The game begins at the count of 1-2-3, and the player who eats the maximum number of doughnuts in the shortest amount of time and raises both hands wins the challenge.

Avoid using powdered Doughnuts, as they may cause choking. Instead, it is advisable to use plain doughnuts for the game. Also, ensure that glasses of water are ready.

15. Christmas Deck Up Challenge

Christmas is the time to decorate the X-mass tree. But it can also be an excellent chance to deck up your beloved colleagues. After all, why should the Christmas tree have all the fun? Don't you think?

The impromptu costume challenge will give you some wacky photos that could be the best blackmail material. If the pictures of your Christmas tree-looking friend are stored well, it can get a lot of your things done effortlessly.

Organize the classic yet trendy Impromptu Costume Challenge to ease your life until the next holiday season.

Steps to Play Christmas Costume Challenge

Step 1. Gather a few tons of traditional Christmas tree decoration items, such as tinsels, bells, snow globes, and wreaths.

Step 2. Divide employees into groups of 3 and ask them to select someone amongst them to volunteer.

Step 3. Appoint a judge and allot 1 minute to each team.

Step 4. Set the timer and, at the count of 1-2-3, ask the participants to start decking up their team's volunteers with various Christmas tree-decorating items.

Step 5. After the allotted time, the judge will decide the winner of the challenge based on creativity and speed.

The challenge is to decorate the volunteer as a Christmas tree. But remember, the participant or the volunteer is not a tree but a human. So, don't allow props that are not good for skin or hair, like low-quality snow cans or irritating glitters. Instead, provide safe-to-use and easily removable props.

16. Coworker Christmas bingo

Christmastime coworker bingo is a fun event icebreaker that can help ease the tension and encourage employees to get to know one another. The game works like other versions of bingo, and the game's object is to earn bingo by completing a line of squares vertically, horizontally, or diagonally on the bingo board. In this version, bingo squares contain personal details or individual characteristics such as:

• Eldest sibling

• Plays the piano

• Has traveled overseas

• Left-handed

• Speaks more than one language

• Has green eyes

• Name starts with a “B”

Participants must find coworkers matching the card’s traits or characteristics to play. After doing so, the player may mark the corresponding characteristic square as complete. The twist: players can only collect one fact from each coworker, which encourages mingling amongst party guests.

17. Holiday movie-themed Pictionary

Played just like standard Pictionary, our holiday-themed game version focuses on a single clue category: holiday movies. Provide each team with a drawing easel set up with a whiteboard and dry-erase markers; you can also use a large easel pad. During the game, groups perform one at a time.

• One player from each team selects an unknown movie title from a Santa hat or festive bowl.

• Using pictures only, the player must attempt to portray the movie’s title, prompting their teammates to guess it correctly within the designated time limit.

• For each title guessed correctly, the team earns a point.

• At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins.

How to win: Get your partner or teammates to correctly guess the title of a Christmas or holiday movie using only images before the time runs out.

18. Emoji codebreaking race

Challenge your coworkers to crack as many holiday-themed emoji codes as they can. Print a list of pictographs that use standard emojis to spell out the titles of holiday movies, songs, or phrases. Hosts can easily set this game up in two separate ways, depending on how difficult they would like the challenge to be.

For a less challenging and faster game, set a time limit for participants to crack as many codes as possible. At the end of the time limit, the player with the most correct codes wins. To make the game more challenging, eliminate the time limit but require players to guess every answer correctly to win.

How to win: Crack as many holiday emoji codes as possible.

What you’ll need: Printed lists of emoji codes and writing utensils

19. “Tree” trimming competition

Instead of decking the halls, you’ll decorate your coworkers in this office holiday party game. To begin, divide party attendees into groups of three to five, leaving one or two employees out to function as judges. Provide each team with ornaments and decorations. Request volunteers from each group or instruct teams to nominate one member who will serve as the “tree.”

Once each team has a prop person prepared, the judges will announce the start time.

• Each group will have ninety seconds to decorate their coworker in the most crafty, creative way possible.

• When time is up, the judges will review each team’s trimming efforts and announce the winner of the speed-decorating competition.

How to win: Win the title of “Best Dressed” by having the most creatively decorated coworker.

20. Stocking stuffer guessing game

To play the stocking stuffer guessing game, stuff a stocking with ten random items. The items may be holiday-themed, such as candy canes or ornaments, or you can choose random objects from the office, like a tape dispenser, post-it notes, or a stapler. Fill the stocking with the selected items, ensuring no items are visible from the top.

• Provide each participant with a notepad and pen before passing the stocking around the group.

• Give each employee one minute to feel the stocking, predicting as many items as possible before passing it to the next person.

• They will then write their guesses on paper, placing it facedown until the game is over.

• The player who correctly identifies the most items wins the game.

How to win: Using your sense of touch, correctly identify as many items stuffed in the stocking as you can without seeing them.

What you’ll need: A stocking, ten random items, notepads, and pens

21. Paint and Sip

Get creative with your team for one of the best adult Christmas party activities. Talented artists will guide your team through creating a masterpiece as they sip a flavorful wine.

If you’re on the West Coast, find exciting paint and sip in Los Angeles or paint and sip in Sacramento. In the Midwest, you can also find paint and sip in Chicago. Bring your favorite bottle of wine to share and find paint and sip near you.

22. Pottery Classes

Help your employees create custom material for their homes or even a fun Christmas gift! Master potters will inspire your team and help them design unique pottery, such as mugs, bowls, and beautiful plates.

23. Dance Classes

What can you do for employees instead of having a holiday party? Invite your team out to enjoy some upbeat dance classes! Friendly instructors will engage your employees with an exciting routine for all skill levels.

24. Drawing Classes

Enjoy one of the most creative work Christmas party ideas with your team. Whether you have some incredible artists or beginners on your team, experienced instructors will guide your team through creating imaginative and beautiful drawings.

Your employees can save this artwork for their desks or even gift it to a loved one for the holidays. If your team is remote, connect with your team through online drawing classes to help them embrace their creativity in their home studios.

25. Cooking Classes

Invite your team to learn a new recipe with one of the best work Christmas party ideas. Knowledgeable chefs will help your team discover new ways to use fresh ingredients to create a classic, home-cooked holiday meal.

26. Snatch the Christmas Cup


• Cups

• Someone to run the game

How to Play

• Divide the group into pairs and ask each pair to face each other.

• Set the cups so each pair has one cup standing between them.

• Start giving everyone orders, e.g., touching their heads, knees, shoulders, squatting down, etc.

• And when no one is expecting it, shout CUP! The person who successfully snatches the cup eliminates the other.

Continue playing other rounds until only one person remains.

27. Find Santa’s Friends

Search for the elves together and see who has found them all! This one is great to get people up and moving after a few hours of sitting and eating holiday food.


• Small elf figurines or elf stickers

• Paper

• Pencils

How to play

• Before the party starts, hide small elf figurines around the event space and hide them well!

• When you decide to start the game, give everyone 10 minutes to find as many elves as possible.

• The person with the most elves wins.

28. Christmas Scavenger Hunt

A list of Christmas games wouldn’t be complete without this ultimate classic. To make it more fun and personalized, pick quests that will reflect the company’s values!


• Scavenger Hunt sheets

How to play

• Divide everyone into teams.

• Give each team a sheet with all the quests they must complete in 45-60 minutes.

• The team who finishes the most tasks wins.

• To avoid cheating, ask participants to record their team completing the challenges.

29. Name that Tune (Christmas Edition)

Another classic that will immediately break the ice, and it doesn’t require any singing skills at all!


• Music player

• Host

How to play

First things first, you will need to create a list of holiday-themed songs. You should hint to your coworkers that a Name that Tune contest could be on the agenda. This will give your colleagues a chance to refresh their memories and prepare.

Divide the attendees into groups at the party and then play a few seconds of popular Christmas hits. Give the team some time to decide. The first one who shouts out the right title gets a point. We recommend starting with the most popular hits and well-known classics before slowly increasing the difficulty.

30. Desk Personalities

Have everyone bring one unique item from their desk and display it at the party. The fun is to have everyone guess who owns each item. Consider labeling the bottom of each item with the name of the person it belongs to so you don't get confused.

31. Candy Cane Relay

You will need many small candy canes, a handful of stockings, chopsticks, and several large bowls. Divide the group into teams and place the unwrapped candy canes in the bowls.

Each player places a chopstick in their mouth, their hands behind their back and attempts to hook as many candy canes as possible on their chopstick. The player then transfers their hooked candy canes to their team's stocking. The team with the most candy canes in their stocking is the winner.

32. Holiday Two Truths and a Lie

Ask employees to think about the worst Christmas gifts they ever received. Each person comes up with two that are true and one that is a lie. Employees start sharing, and the other participants try to figure out which ones are real and which ones aren't.

33. Elf on the Shelf-off

Elf on the Shelf quickly became a modern Christmas tradition. Based on a book about an elf who reports kids’ behavior to Santa, parents pose the elf figure in different positions to give children the impression that the elf is alive. Other folks have co-opted this exercise and posted pictures of the elf in hilarious positions. In this same vein, you and your teammates can do this game as an office activity. At the party, split the group into teams and give each team an elf. Send the teams into the building to stage a work-themed photo shoot with the elf.

Participants may snap photos of the elf photocopying its face, intimidating the work mascot plush with a stapler, or stealing lunches from the office fridge. Showing a few examples to help spark creative juices is a good idea. After twenty minutes or so, reconvene and share the photos.

Name a winning team

If you want to devote less party time to this game, then you can have entrants take and submit the photos before the event and show the results in a slideshow during the party.

34. White Elephant Exchange

White Elephant Exchanges are one of the most fun Christmas activities for work. Unlike the more traditional Secret Santa gift swaps, participants give each other funny and gag gifts at White Elephant exchanges. Participants also have the option of stealing gifts from other players.

The basic rules involve players picking an order to exchange presents in. Participants either receive a present from an assigned partner, or pick a random present from the pile. The next player in line can either pick a new present, or steal the present from the previous player. The last participant to unwrap a gift can steal an object from any player.

35. Holiday Trivia

Holiday Trivia is one of the most accessible Christmas games for work parties. Simply split attendees into teams and challenge those teams to answer holiday-based questions.

Categories can include:

• Music

• Movies

• Traditions

• Food

• Mythology

• Winter weather

• Pop Culture Holidays

• Non-Christmas Christmas News

We also recommend featuring other wintertime holidays besides Christmas. You can also develop more creative categories that fit the holiday theme. To play the game, teams can write down and submit answers or be the first team to buzz in and reveal the answers. For a more festive touch, players can use jingle bells instead of buzzers. You can also facilitate the game via Kahoot. Simply make a multiple-choice quiz, and then players will enter the room code and answer on their phones.

Engaging Players with Multimedia Elements and Interactive Challenges

The app automatically tracks scores based on the quickness and correctness of answers. Using multimedia elements is a fun touch. For instance, play audio clips as a name that tune, feature, or show ultra-zoomed-in photos and challenge players to guess the holiday object. You can also show video clips from holiday films or even ask players to re-enact famous scenes.

36. Gourmet Hot Cocoa Bar

Gourmet Hot Cocoa Bars are one of the most delicious ideas for a holiday work party. These stations need minimal equipment; the basic setup calls for a hot water kettle or a canteen of warm milk. Beyond that, you may also want to provide non-dairy milk alternatives.

Lay out jars of cocoa powder or chocolate syrup alongside mix-ins like flavor shots, crushed candy canes, gourmet marshmallows, and whipped cream. You can also provide more unexpected toppings like chili powder, peanut butter powder, rainbow marshmallows, and cereal.

Pro tip: Gift attendees custom mugs to enjoy the cocoa in.

37. Christmas Minute to Win It

Minute-to-win it games are challenges that must be completed in sixty seconds or less. These games are often physical. To make them more festive, you can add Christmas-themed elements.

Here are some examples of Christmas Minute to Win It games:

Place a gingerbread cookie, preferably a miniature, on your forehead. Without using your hands, move the cookie into your mouth.

Snowball Shake

Tape a tissue box to your lower back and fill it with ping pong balls. On the mark, try to shake all of the balls out of the box. The player who shakes out the most balls wins.

Wrap It Up

Players must wrap and place a bow on each teammate and snap a picture before moving to the next player in line.

Coal in the Hole

Players must dunk a black-painted ping pong ball in a mug as many times as possible in sixty seconds.

Candy Cane Magnet

Try to hang as many candy canes as possible on one teammate’s body.

Tree Toppler

Teams get a few sticks of green spaghetti and must build a tree that supports a star-shaped marshmallow.

Holly Berries

Place dozens of red balloons on the floor. Players must pop as many balloons as possible by sitting on them on the mark. Place a picture inside the balloons that players can retrieve after popping to keep track better.

38. Reindeer Games

Reindeer Games is a holiday-themed office Olympics-style competition. The first step in the competition is to split the group into teams and choose holiday-themed team names. Next, ask teams to create a uniform by using holiday accessories like colored garland, elf hats, or reindeer antler headbands. Compete in a series of festive challenges. For example:

Present pass off

A relay race where runners hand off a wrapped present in place of a baton.

Santa’s sack race

A potato sack race with Santa’s bag

Down the chimney

Place a play tunnel on the floor and have players shimmy through.


Players reach into a bucket of ice to retrieve a white rubber snowball.

Tree toss

Toss (non glass) ornaments towards a tree, and try to get as many balls as possible to stick.

Tug of Gar

A traditional tug of war, with garland wrapped around the rope.

39. Holiday Storytime

Storytime is a good kids’ party activity. This idea also appeals to employees’ inner children. To host storytime at your annual party, pick out a Christmas book or story, such as The Night Before Christmas or The Polar Express. Invite the CEO, president, or office Santa to read the story out loud during the party.

Be sure to pass out cookies and milk and allow listeners to circle up chairs, pillows, or blankets to set the atmosphere better.

40. Holiday Themed Escape Room

Escape rooms are engaging activities for any occasion. These problem-solving games require players to solve puzzles and riddles and hunt for clues to break out of a locked room, typically in less than one hour.

Your holiday party can involve a Christmas-themed escape room. For instance, perhaps the premise is that Santa gets locked in a living room, and the team needs to help him find a way out. Other options include escaping the mall after midnight, escaping the airport on Christmas Eve, running a winter train, or breaking out of Santa’s workshop.

Room decorations should evoke the Christmas spirit, and you can hide clues within holiday objects. For example, the key to a number lock might be in the lyrics of the Twelve Days of Christmas, a key can be a hidden Christmas ornament or the colored lights could blink in Morse code.

You could build your own escape room or find an Xmas-themed room nearby and take the team to dinner afterward.

41. Not-Quite-New-Years

You can throw a New Year themed bash instead of a Christmas party. This type of party is more inclusive of employees who do not celebrate Christmas and is also a way to symbolically end the current work year and start a new one.

Not-Quite-New-Years parties run similarly to NYE parties. Be sure to supply champagne in flutes and make toasts, have noisemakers on hand, make resolutions, and launch a faux midnight countdown.

42. Christmas Card Crafting

Setting up a card crafting station adds a nice touch to a holiday party. You can bring in a professional artist or calligrapher to customize cards for attendees or to show guests how to create merry masterpieces. Another option is to enlist a photographer and graphic designer to rig up branded candids that guests can turn into holiday greetings and send to colleagues or clients.

If you invite family members to the party, then you can take family portraits. Card crafting adds a hands-on element to the party and gives attendees a souvenir to take home and frame or send to family and friends.

43. Merry Movie Night

Holiday movies are a standalone film genre. Screening movies at the party is a low-key activity that is social but not too high-pressure, making it ideal for more introverted staff. Not to mention, holiday films can bring about a sense of nostalgia and aid in team bonding.

To watch holiday movies, set up a projector and a large screen, then broadcast the festive film of choice.

44. Pet Party

Many offices welcome employees’ families to the holiday celebration, yet few employers extend that invitation to team members’ furry friends. The majority of employees are delighted to have animals in the office.

You can throw a pet-friendly party that puts kitty and canine companions front and center. We recommend throwing a separate party for cats and dogs, or choosing the pet option most folks have. Be sure that all pets are properly vaccinated and play well with others. To avoid possible scuffles, you can also schedule appointments for the pets to come and enjoy the festivities.

Here are the ideas:

• Christmas-themed treats and toys

• Pet costume contest

• Pictures on Santa’s lap

Pro tip: Check with employees for allergies first.

45. Merry Murder Mystery

Murder mysteries are one of the best small office Christmas party ideas. Although these activities may seem more suited for Halloween parties, the naughty fun of sleuthing games can help teammates alleviate holiday-related stress. It can be a welcome alternative to endless holiday cheer.

• Choose a festive mystery, such as a New Year’s Eve party murder, who killed Santa Claus, or murder at an ugly sweater party.

• Encourage participants to dress accordingly or bring props to the party.

• Hand out roles to each player, then read through the script.

• Players will listen, hunt for clues, and try to be the first to unravel the mystery.

46. Christmas Around the World

Christmas Around the World is one of the best themes for office Christmas parties. This theme highlights the ways different cultures celebrate the holiday and expands employees' perspectives.

To host an international-themed Christmas party, the first research celebrations will be held in different nations. Remember that all homages should be culturally sensitive, authentic, and not stereotypical or offensive. Gather appropriate foods and drinks. Examples include:

• German stolen bread

• Tamales for Costa Rica

• KFC fried chicken for Japan

Decorations and entertainment should also honor how different countries honor the holidays. Music can fit the theme, too. For instance, play foreign-language Christmas carols such as O Tannenbaum and Feliz Navidad or translated versions of other popular carols.

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Work Christmas Party Games Etiquettes

man drinking coffee and looking out - Best Company Swag

Encourage Participation, But Don't Force It

Some folks just aren’t into games, and that’s okay. Pushing them into participating can make them uncomfortable. Create a welcoming environment where joining in is optional.

Let people socialize or do their own thing if they want. You’re respecting personal boundaries and making the party enjoyable for everyone.

Choose Games That Boost the Mood

Opt for activities that make people smile and laugh. Avoid anything too competitive or complicated, as these can create stress instead of fun. Think about holiday trivia, charades, or a scavenger hunt. The focus is on creating a joyful atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

Inclusivity: Everyone Should Feel Welcome

Make sure all employees, no matter their role or background, feel included. Consider the diverse interests of your team when picking games. Look for activities that allow different levels of participation so no one feels pressured or left out. Inclusivity creates a sense of belonging among everyone.

Keep It Fair and Fun

Establish clear rules and guidelines for the games. Make sure everyone knows and understands them. If there are prizes involved, ensure the criteria for winning are transparent and achievable. Avoid favoritism or bias to keep the mood positive. Fairness helps maintain camaraderie and makes the games enjoyable for everyone.

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How to Plan a Christmas Party for Work?


The foundation of any great work Christmas party is planning. Start by picking a date well in advance. December weekends fill up fast. Once you've nailed down the date, send out invitations early. You want your team to mark their calendars and get excited. A digital invite works, but adding a personal touch can make it special.

Nailing the Guest List

Who’s coming to this shindig? Decide if it's just the team or if you want plus-ones. A tight-knit group may prefer a small gathering, but mixing it up with more guests can add energy. Whatever you choose, make sure the venue can handle it. No one likes feeling cramped.

Securing the Perfect Spot

If you’re hosting at the office, great. But if you’re looking for something different, book a venue early. December is busy. Consider what fits your team’s vibe:

• A cozy restaurant

• A quirky bar

• Maybe a rented space you can deck out

Budgeting Like a Pro

Decide how much you’re willing to spend. Food, drinks, entertainment, it all adds up. If you’re tight on funds, consider a potluck. Otherwise, hire a caterer and let them do the work. Either way, make sure there’s something for everyone, including vegetarians or those with dietary restrictions.

Crafting the Menu

Christmas is about indulging, so don’t hold back. Think beyond the basics like cookies and eggnog. Maybe mini sliders or a charcuterie board? Whatever you pick, make sure it’s easy to eat while mingling. Finger foods are usually a hit.

Decking the Halls

Your party’s look sets the tone. If you’ve got a theme, stick to it. Otherwise, go classic with greens, reds, and a splash of sparkle. A few well-placed decorations can transform a space. If you're feeling fancy, hire a decorator.

Game On: Entertaining the Troops

A few organized activities can break up the evening. Think about a secret Santa swap or a few rounds of charades. Maybe set up a photo booth with holiday props. The key is to keep it light and fun.

Parting Gifts for Good Measure

As the night wraps up, send your guests off with a little something. Personalized ornaments or a small bag of holiday treats could do the trick. It’s a simple way to thank them for being part of the team.

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Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Sep 16th 202435 min read

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Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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