45 Most Creative Employee Award Programs To Raise Your Team's Morale
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45 Most Creative Employee Award Programs To Raise Your Team's Morale

Inspire excellence with employee award programs. Recognize and motivate your team for outstanding achievements. Elevate workplace morale today!

Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Jan 25th 202419 min read

woman being appreciated in employee award programs

Are you tired of feeling underappreciated at work? Have you ever wished that your hard work and dedication could be recognized and rewarded? Well, look no further because employee award programs are here to save the day!

Employee award programs are a game-changer in the world of workplace recognition. These employee recognition programs are designed to celebrate and honor exceptional employees who go above and beyond in their jobs. From outstanding sales performance to remarkable customer service, these programs are the ultimate way to acknowledge and appreciate the incredible talents within your organization.

So, if you're ready to be recognized and rewarded for your hard work, keep reading because this blog is all about employee award programs and how they can revolutionize the way you feel about your job.

What is Employee Recognition?

shake hand with the boss for employee award programs

Employee recognition is a vital component of any successful organization. It involves acknowledging and appreciating the efforts and achievements of employees, often through formal programs or informal gestures. The main objective of employee recognition is to encourage and motivate employees to perform at their best, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the company.

1. Boosting Employee Morale

Employee recognition plays a significant role in boosting employee morale. When employees receive recognition for their hard work and dedication, it validates their efforts and makes them feel valued and appreciated. This, in turn, leads to increased job satisfaction and a sense of pride in their work. When employees are happy and motivated, they are more likely to be productive, engaged, and committed to their roles.

2. Increasing Employee Engagement

Recognition programs can also help increase employee engagement. Engaged employees are fully committed to their work and are more likely to go above and beyond their job responsibilities. By recognizing and rewarding their efforts, organizations can cultivate a culture of engagement and create a positive work environment where employees feel motivated to contribute their best.

3. Improving Retention Rates

Employee recognition programs can have a positive impact on employee retention rates. When employees feel recognized and appreciated for their contributions, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long term. Recognition programs can help build loyalty and strengthen the bond between employees and the organization. Employees who feel valued are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere, reducing turnover and the associated costs of recruiting and training new employees.

4. Enhancing Teamwork and Collaboration

Employee recognition programs can foster teamwork and collaboration within organizations. By acknowledging and celebrating individual achievements, organizations can create a culture that promotes collaboration and emphasizes the importance of collective success. Recognizing team efforts can also encourage employees to work together towards common goals, driving innovation and productivity.

5. Promoting a Positive Company Culture

Employee recognition programs contribute to the development of a positive company culture. Recognizing and appreciating employees' achievements creates a supportive and inclusive work environment. When employees witness their colleagues being recognized, it inspires them to strive for excellence and contribute to the success of the organization. A positive company culture built on recognition can attract top talent and enhance the employer's brand.

Employee recognition is not just a feel-good gesture; it is a strategic tool that can drive employee morale, engagement, retention, teamwork, and overall company success. By implementing effective employee recognition programs, organizations can create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and inspired to perform at their best.

Employee Recognition IdeasRecognizing EmployeesPower Of RecognitionRecognition Of AchievementCulture Of AppreciationEmployee Rewards And Recognition

What Are Employee Award Programs?

boss giving award to employee - employee award programs

Employee award programs are initiatives implemented by companies to recognize and reward the outstanding performance and achievements of their employees. These programs are designed to motivate and encourage employees to excel in their work by acknowledging their hard work, dedication, and contributions to the organization.

Diverse Recognition

Employee award programs can take various forms, including monetary bonuses, gift cards, certificates, plaques, public recognition, and even experiential rewards such as trips or special events. The purpose of these programs is to create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, appreciated, and motivated to continue putting in their best effort.

Criteria and Metrics

Employee award programs are typically based on specific criteria or performance metrics established by the company. These criteria can vary depending on the organization's goals and values, as well as the nature of the work performed by employees. For example, some companies may focus on quantifiable metrics such as sales targets, customer satisfaction ratings, or project milestones, while others may consider factors like teamwork, innovation, or leadership qualities.

Benefits of Employee Award Programs

Implementing employee award programs can bring numerous benefits to both employees and the organization as a whole. Here are some key advantages:

1. Increased Motivation

By recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance, employee award programs inspire employees to go above and beyond in their work. This increased motivation can lead to improved productivity, job satisfaction, and overall company success.

2. Employee Retention

When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long term. Recognizing their efforts through award programs can help build loyalty and reduce turnover rates.

3. Improved Morale and Engagement

Employee award programs have a positive impact on employee morale, creating a sense of pride, accomplishment, and camaraderie within the organization. Engaged employees are more likely to contribute innovative ideas, collaborate effectively, and actively participate in achieving company goals.

4. Enhanced Company Culture

Employee award programs contribute to the development of a positive company culture that emphasizes recognition and appreciation. This can foster a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to perform their best.

5. Attraction of Top Talent

Companies that have a reputation for valuing their employees and recognizing their achievements are more likely to attract high-caliber candidates. Employee award programs can serve as a competitive advantage when it comes to recruiting and retaining top talent.

Employee award programs are initiatives implemented by companies to recognize and reward exceptional employee performance. These programs have numerous benefits, including increased motivation, improved employee retention, enhanced morale and engagement, the development of a positive company culture, and the attraction of top talent. By implementing effective employee award programs, organizations can create a workplace environment that fosters success and drives overall company performance.

45 Most Creative Employee Award Programs To Raise Your Team's Morale

employees happy in employee award programs

1. Employee of the Month

Recognize outstanding performance on a monthly basis. This award program celebrates individuals who consistently go above and beyond in their work, inspiring others to excel.

2. Team Player

Acknowledge employees who consistently collaborate and demonstrate excellent teamwork. This award program promotes a culture of collaboration and fosters a strong sense of unity within a team.

3. Innovator of the Year

Recognize employees who come up with innovative ideas or solutions that drive positive change within the organization. This award program encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

4. Customer Champion

Celebrate employees who consistently provide exceptional customer service. This award program reinforces the importance of delivering excellent customer experiences and encourages employees to go the extra mile.

5. Mentor of the Year

Recognize employees who provide guidance and support to their colleagues, helping them develop their skills and achieve their goals. This award program highlights the value of mentorship and creates a culture of learning and growth.

6. Rising Star

Acknowledge employees who have shown significant growth and development in their roles. This award program motivates employees to continuously improve and strive for excellence.

7. Team of the Quarter

Recognize teams that have achieved exceptional results or successfully completed challenging projects. This award program fosters a sense of camaraderie and encourages collaboration among team members.

8. Leadership Excellence

Celebrate employees who demonstrate exceptional leadership skills and inspire others through their actions. This award program recognizes the importance of effective leadership in driving success.

9. Most Creative Thinker

Acknowledge employees who consistently come up with innovative and creative ideas. This award program promotes a culture of creativity and encourages employees to think outside the box.

10. Best Problem Solver

Recognize employees who excel at finding solutions to complex problems. This award program highlights the value of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

11. Excellence in Communication

Celebrate employees who excel in effective communication, both within the team and with external stakeholders. This award program promotes clear and concise communication, enhancing teamwork and productivity.

12. Wellness Champion

Acknowledge employees who actively promote health and wellness initiatives within the organization. This award program encourages a healthy and balanced lifestyle among employees.

13. Most Reliable

Recognize employees who consistently deliver high-quality work and meet deadlines. This award program promotes accountability and reliability within the team.

14. Collaboration King/Queen

Celebrate employees who excel at building relationships and collaborating with colleagues from different departments or teams. This award program fosters a culture of collaboration and encourages cross-functional teamwork.

15. Most Positive Attitude

Acknowledge employees who consistently display a positive attitude and contribute to a positive work environment. This award program promotes a culture of positivity and boosts team morale.

16. Most Innovative Project

Recognize employees or teams who have successfully implemented innovative projects that have had a positive impact on the organization. This award program encourages creativity and rewards forward-thinking initiatives.

17. Outstanding Sales Achievement

Celebrate employees who have achieved exceptional results in sales. This award program motivates sales teams and recognizes their contribution to the organization's success.

18. Best Newcomer

Acknowledge employees who have recently joined the organization and have quickly made a positive impact. This award program welcomes new talent and encourages them to thrive in their new roles.

19. Excellence in Training and Development

Recognize employees or teams who have made significant contributions to training and development initiatives within the organization. This award program highlights the importance of continuous learning and growth.

20. Most Supportive Colleague

Celebrate employees who consistently go out of their way to support their colleagues. This award program promotes a culture of teamwork and encourages employees to help one another.

21. Best Team Spirit

Acknowledge teams that consistently demonstrate a strong sense of unity, collaboration, and camaraderie. This award program fosters a positive team culture and enhances team dynamics.

22. Most Improved

Recognize employees who have shown significant improvement in their performance or skills. This award program encourages continuous growth and development.

23. Outstanding Mentorship

Celebrate individuals who have made a significant impact through their mentorship efforts. This award program highlights the value of mentorship and recognizes those who contribute to the professional development of others.

24. Most Organized

Acknowledge employees who excel at prioritizing tasks, managing time effectively, and staying organized. This award program promotes productivity and efficiency within the team.

25. Most Adaptable

Recognize employees who demonstrate exceptional adaptability in the face of challenges or changing circumstances. This award program highlights the importance of resilience and flexibility in the workplace.

26. Best Team Building Event

Celebrate teams that have organized and executed successful team-building events. This award program recognizes the efforts put into creating a strong team bond.

27. Most Customer-Focused

Acknowledge employees who consistently prioritize and exceed customer expectations. This award program reinforces the organization's commitment to customer satisfaction.

28. Outstanding Problem-Solving Team

Recognize teams that have successfully solved complex problems or implemented innovative solutions. This award program encourages collaboration and teamwork in problem-solving efforts.

29. Most Creative Presentation

Celebrate employees who have delivered outstanding and creative presentations. This award program encourages employees to think creatively and engage their audience.

30. Best Collaboration Tool

Acknowledge teams that have effectively utilized collaboration tools to enhance communication and productivity. This award program promotes the adoption of modern technology and fosters efficient teamwork.

31. Most Resilient

Recognize employees who have demonstrated exceptional resilience in overcoming challenges or setbacks. This award program highlights the importance of perseverance and determination.

32. Outstanding Safety Champion

Celebrate employees who consistently prioritize and promote workplace safety. This award program reinforces a culture of safety and emphasizes the well-being of employees.

33. Most Sustainable Initiative

Acknowledge employees or teams that have implemented sustainable initiatives, promoting environmental responsibility within the organization. This award program demonstrates the organization's commitment to sustainability.

34. Best Employee Recognition Program

Recognize teams or individuals who have implemented a successful employee recognition program. This award program highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating employees' contributions.

35. Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion

Celebrate employees or teams that have made significant contributions to promoting diversity and inclusion within the organization. This award program fosters an inclusive and diverse work environment.

36. Most Dedicated

Acknowledge employees who consistently demonstrate exceptional dedication and commitment to their work. This award program promotes a strong work ethic and recognizes hard work.

37. Outstanding Community Impact

Recognize employees or teams that have made a positive impact on the community through volunteering or philanthropic efforts. This award program demonstrates the organization's commitment to social responsibility.

38. Best Employee Onboarding Program

Celebrate teams or individuals who have developed and implemented an effective employee onboarding program. This award program ensures a smooth transition for new employees and sets them up for success.

39. Most Social Media Savvy

Acknowledge employees who excel in utilizing social media platforms to promote the organization's brand and engage with customers. This award program highlights the importance of digital marketing skills.

40. Outstanding Team Leader

Recognize team leaders who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and have successfully guided their teams to achieve outstanding results. This award program acknowledges the critical role of leaders in driving team success.

41. Best Employee Wellness Program

Celebrate teams or individuals who have developed and implemented a comprehensive employee wellness program. This award program promotes a healthy work-life balance and employee well-being.

42. Most Tech-Savvy

Acknowledge employees who demonstrate exceptional proficiency in utilizing technology and digital tools to enhance productivity. This award program encourages the adoption of technology in the workplace.

43. Outstanding Remote Team

Recognize teams that have successfully collaborated and achieved exceptional results while working remotely. This award program highlights the importance of effective remote teamwork.

44. Best Employee Engagement Initiative

Celebrate teams or individuals who have implemented successful employee engagement initiatives. This award program promotes a positive work culture and enhances employee satisfaction.

45. Most Creative Workspace

Acknowledge teams or individuals who have created an inspiring and creative workspace. This award program promotes a stimulating work environment and boosts creativity.

By implementing these creative employee award programs, you can recognize and appreciate your team's efforts, boost morale, and create a positive and motivated work environment.

The Importance of Employee Award Programs

woman on laptop looking happy - employee award programs

Employee award programs are a crucial aspect of any successful organization. These programs aim to recognize and reward the outstanding performance, achievements, and contributions of employees. Let's explore the importance of employee award programs in further detail:

1. Boosting Employee Morale and Motivation

Employee award programs play a vital role in boosting employee morale and motivation. When employees receive recognition for their hard work and dedication, it not only validates their efforts but also inspires them to continue performing at their best. Such recognition serves as a powerful motivator, driving employees to exceed expectations and strive for excellence.

2. Fostering a Positive Work Culture

Employee award programs contribute to fostering a positive work culture within an organization. By publicly acknowledging and celebrating employees' accomplishments, these programs create a supportive and appreciative atmosphere. This positive work culture promotes teamwork, collaboration, and a sense of belonging, which ultimately leads to increased employee engagement and satisfaction.

3. Improving Employee Retention

Employee award programs can significantly impact employee retention rates. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to remain loyal to the organization. Recognizing employees for their hard work and contributions helps create a sense of loyalty and attachment, reducing turnover rates. This, in turn, saves the organization time and resources associated with recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees.

4. Enhancing Productivity and Performance

Employee award programs have a direct impact on productivity and performance levels. By recognizing and rewarding exceptional achievements, these programs create healthy competition among employees. This competition drives individuals to push their boundaries, set higher goals, and continuously improve their performance. As a result, organizations witness increased productivity and enhanced overall performance.

5. Promoting Employee Development

Employee award programs also play a role in promoting employee development. Many award programs are designed to recognize not only the achievements but also the skills and qualities that contribute to those accomplishments. By highlighting these skills and qualities, employee award programs encourage employees to further develop and refine their abilities. This focus on employee development benefits both the individual and the organization by creating a pool of talented and skilled employees.

6. Enhancing Employer Branding

Employee award programs can significantly enhance an organization's employer branding. When employees are recognized and rewarded for their contributions, they become brand ambassadors, promoting a positive image of the organization. This positive image attracts top talent, as potential employees are more likely to join a company where hard work and excellence are valued and recognized.

7. Improving Customer Satisfaction

Employee award programs indirectly impact customer satisfaction. Recognized and motivated employees are more likely to provide exceptional customer service, resulting in higher customer satisfaction levels. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to go the extra mile to meet customer needs and exceed their expectations.

Employee award programs are essential for organizations seeking to create a positive work culture, boost employee morale, increase productivity, and retain top talent. By recognizing and rewarding employees' outstanding achievements and contributions, these programs serve as a powerful tool to motivate, engage, and inspire employees to reach new heights of success.

How to Build a Culture of Recognition Within Your Company

team raising hand in the air - employee award programs

Recognition is a powerful tool in the workplace that can significantly impact employee engagement, productivity, and morale. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their work and stay committed to the company. Building a culture of recognition requires a concerted effort from managers, upper-level management, and founders. Here are some key steps to help you create a culture of recognition within your company.

1. Lead by Example

The responsibility of fostering a culture of recognition starts at the top. Managers, upper-level management, and founders should lead by example and consistently recognize and appreciate their employees' efforts. When employees see their leaders actively engaging in recognition, they are more likely to follow suit.

2. Define and Communicate Expectations

It's essential to clearly define and communicate the expectations for recognition within the company. This includes outlining the criteria for receiving recognition, the types of behaviors or achievements that warrant recognition, and the process for giving and receiving recognition. By setting clear expectations, employees understand what is valued and are more likely to strive for recognition.

3. Provide Various Recognition Channels

Different employees have different preferences when it comes to recognition. Some may appreciate public recognition in team meetings or company-wide announcements, while others may prefer private recognition through personal messages or one-on-one conversations. To accommodate everyone, provide various recognition channels, such as a recognition platform, bulletin board, or even a dedicated email address. This ensures that all employees have the opportunity to be recognized in a way that suits their preferences.

4. Foster Peer-to-Peer Recognition

While manager recognition is crucial, peer-to-peer recognition can be equally impactful. Encourage employees to recognize and appreciate their colleagues' accomplishments. This can be done through informal channels, such as thank-you notes or shout-outs in team meetings, or more formal programs where employees can nominate their peers for recognition. Peer recognition not only boosts morale but also strengthens team dynamics and collaboration.

5. Make Recognition Timely and Specific

Recognition is most effective when it is timely and specific. Instead of waiting for formal quarterly or annual reviews, provide immediate recognition when an employee goes above and beyond or achieves significant milestones. Be specific about what actions or behaviors are being recognized and why they are valued. This shows employees that their efforts are noticed and appreciated in real-time.

6. Celebrate Achievements as a Team

Celebrating achievements as a team is a powerful way to foster a culture of recognition. Organize regular team events or gatherings to acknowledge and celebrate individual and collective accomplishments. This not only boosts morale but also creates a sense of camaraderie and unity among employees.

7. Keep the Momentum Going

Building a culture of recognition is an ongoing process. It's important to sustain the momentum and keep recognition at the forefront of your company's culture. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your recognition initiatives and make adjustments as needed. Encourage feedback from employees on what recognition strategies resonate with them the most. By continuously nurturing a culture of recognition, you can create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to excel.

Building a culture of recognition within your company requires the active involvement of managers, upper-level management, and founders. By leading by example, defining expectations, providing various recognition channels, fostering peer-to-peer recognition, making recognition timely and specific, celebrating achievements as a team, and keeping the momentum going, you can create a workplace where employees feel appreciated, engaged, and motivated to perform at their best.

10 Best Practices for Building Long Lasting and Engaging Employee Award Programs

Graphic team discussing ideas of employee award programs

1. Clearly Define the Purpose and Goals

Creating a successful employee award program starts with clearly defining its purpose and goals. This involves determining what behaviors, achievements, or contributions should be recognized and rewarded. By establishing clear objectives, you can align the program with your company's values and strategic priorities.

2. Involve Employees in the Program Design

To ensure maximum engagement and buy-in, involve employees in the design of the award program. Seek their input on the types of awards, criteria, and recognition methods they find most meaningful. This participatory approach creates a sense of ownership and makes employees feel valued and heard.

3. Provide a Variety of Awards

Offer a diverse range of awards to cater to different employee preferences and motivations. Consider including both tangible rewards, such as gift cards or company merchandise, as well as non-monetary incentives like extra vacation days or flexible work arrangements. This variety enables you to recognize and motivate employees across various dimensions.

4. Make the Awards Personalized and Meaningful

Customize the recognition and rewards to make them personal and meaningful to each employee. Take into account their individual preferences, interests, and achievements. Personalization shows that you value and appreciate their unique contributions, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty.

5. Establish Clear and Fair Criteria

To ensure transparency and fairness, establish clear and objective criteria for receiving awards. Make these criteria known to all employees, so they understand what is expected and how they can qualify for recognition. This clarity helps to motivate employees and encourages a healthy sense of competition.

6. Provide Timely Recognition

Promptly recognize and reward employees for their achievements. Delayed recognition can diminish its impact and may not effectively reinforce positive behaviors. By providing timely recognition, you reinforce the desired behaviors and create positive momentum within the workplace.

7. Foster Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Encourage peer-to-peer recognition as an integral part of the award program. This allows employees to acknowledge and appreciate each other's contributions, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment. Peer recognition helps build camaraderie, boosts morale, and enhances employee engagement.

8. Celebrate Milestones and Achievements

Apart from individual achievements, celebrate team milestones and organizational successes as well. Recognize teams for their outstanding performance, collaboration, or successful completion of projects. This collective recognition reinforces a sense of unity and shared goals, motivating employees to work towards common objectives.

9. Promote Continuous Improvement

Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of your employee award program. Seek feedback from employees and make necessary adjustments to enhance its impact. Encourage employees to provide suggestions on how the program can be improved and aligned with their changing needs and expectations.

10. Communicate and Publicize Successes

Effective communication is crucial for the success of any employee award program. Share success stories and highlight the achievements of award recipients to inspire and motivate others. Utilize various communication channels, such as company newsletters, intranets, and social media platforms, to promote the program and foster a culture of recognition.

By following these best practices, you can create a long-lasting and engaging employee award program that recognizes and rewards employees, fosters a positive work culture, and drives organizational success.

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Find Meaningful Corporate Gifts for Employees With Ease with Giftpack

Finding the perfect gift that truly resonates with each individual can be a daunting task. That's where Giftpack comes in. With their cutting-edge technology and vast catalog of products, Giftpack aims to simplify the corporate gifting process and maximize the impact of each gift. Let's explore the key features and benefits of Giftpack's personalized employee award programs.

1. Simplifying the Corporate Gifting Process

Choosing the right gift for employees can be overwhelming. Giftpack understands this challenge and aims to simplify the process. Their custom AI algorithm takes into account various factors like demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint of the recipient. This data-driven approach ensures that each gift is tailored to the individual, making the selection process seamless and efficient.

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Giftpack offers highly customized scenario swag box options for employee award programs. Each scenario is carefully designed to cater to different occasions, milestones, or achievements. Whether it's recognizing outstanding performance, celebrating work anniversaries, or expressing gratitude, Giftpack has a wide range of curated gifts to choose from. This level of personalization ensures that employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.

3. Global Delivery and Accessibility

With Giftpack's global delivery capabilities, employee award programs can reach participants across the globe. No matter where your employees are located, Giftpack ensures that meaningful connections are made through personalized gifting. This accessibility makes it easy for organizations with a global presence to implement employee award programs consistently and effectively.

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Giftpack boasts an impressive catalog of over 3.5 million products and is continuously expanding its offerings. This extensive range of gifts ensures that there's something for everyone. From tech gadgets to luxury items, Giftpack has it all. By offering such a wide variety of options, organizations can easily find the perfect gift that aligns with their employees' preferences and interests.

5. Maximizing the Impact of Each Gift

The ultimate goal of employee award programs is to make a lasting impact on the recipients. Giftpack understands this and goes the extra mile to ensure that each gift leaves a meaningful impression. By curating personalized gifts that are tailored to the recipient's unique characteristics, Giftpack helps create a deep sense of appreciation and connection. This personalized touch elevates the employee experience and reinforces their value within the organization.

Giftpack revolutionizes the corporate gifting landscape by simplifying the process, offering highly customized scenario swag box options, enabling global delivery, providing access to a vast catalog of products, and maximizing the impact of each gift. With Giftpack, organizations can implement employee award programs that truly resonate with their employees, fostering a culture of recognition and appreciation.

Modern Employee Recognition ProgramsRecognizing Employee ContributionsEmployee Recognition Program Best PracticesRewards And Recognition SystemHow To Create An Employee Recognition Program

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Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Jan 25th 202419 min read

About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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