115 Recognition Examples To Raise Team Morale
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115 Recognition Examples To Raise Team Morale

Discover diverse recognition examples, faces, speech, and patterns. Dive into the tech shaping our digital landscape with real-world applications

Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Jan 25th 202420 min read

senior businesswoman acknowledging junior - recognition examples

Welcome to our blog on recognition examples! In today's fast-paced world, where we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions, it's easy for individuals to feel overlooked and underappreciated. That's why recognition is so important – it not only acknowledges someone's hard work and achievements but also boosts morale and motivation. We will explore various recognition examples that illustrate how simple gestures can have a profound impact on individuals and teams.

Whether it's a handwritten note, a shout-out in a team meeting, or a special reward, employee recognition programs play a crucial role in fostering a positive work environment. By highlighting recognition examples, we hope to inspire you with innovative ideas that can be implemented in your own workplace. From small startups to large corporations, recognition has the power to create a culture of appreciation and inspire individuals to go above and beyond. So, let's dive in and discover the power of recognition examples together!

What Is Employee Recognition?

men shaking hands - recognition examples

Employee recognition is the act of acknowledging and appreciating an employee's hard work, achievements, and contributions in the workplace. It is a way of showing gratitude and giving credit to employees for their dedication and commitment to their job.

Diverse Forms of Recognition

Recognition can come in various forms, such as verbal praise, written notes or emails, public acknowledgment during team meetings or company events, or even tangible rewards like gift cards or bonuses. The purpose of employee recognition is to motivate and inspire employees, boost their morale, and create a positive work culture.

The Impact of Recognition on Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty

When employees feel valued and recognized for their efforts, it not only increases their job satisfaction but also their loyalty and commitment to the organization. Recognition can also help in building a sense of camaraderie and fostering a supportive work environment, where employees feel appreciated and encouraged to excel in their roles.

Creating a Positive Cycle

By recognizing employees for their achievements, organizations can create a cycle of positive reinforcement, where employees are motivated to continue performing at their best. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity, improved employee engagement, and ultimately, better overall business results.

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Recognition

Employee recognition is not just a one-time event or occasional gesture; it should be a continuous practice embedded in the company's culture. By consistently acknowledging and appreciating employees' efforts, organizations can create a positive and rewarding work environment that encourages growth, innovation, and success.

Employee Recognition IdeasRecognizing EmployeesPower Of RecognitionRecognition Of AchievementCulture Of AppreciationEmployee Rewards And Recognition

115 Recognition Examples To Raise Team Morale

team uniting hands - recognition examples

1. Employee of the Month

Recognize outstanding performance by selecting an employee of the month and publicly celebrating their achievements.

2. Shout-outs in meetings

Give employees the opportunity to recognize their colleagues' accomplishments during team meetings.

3. Handwritten thank-you notes

Show appreciation by writing personalized thank-you notes to team members.

4. Virtual applause

Use virtual meeting platforms to applaud team members for their hard work and achievements.

5. Team lunches

Treat the team to a special lunch to celebrate milestones and achievements.

6. Personalized trophies or plaques

Create custom trophies or plaques to recognize exceptional performance and display them in a prominent place in the office.

7. Professional development opportunities

Offer employees the chance to attend conferences, workshops, or training sessions to enhance their skills and show recognition for their potential.

8. Wall of fame

Create a dedicated wall or bulletin board to showcase team members' accomplishments and recognize their contributions.

9. Surprise treats

Surprise the team with small treats like donuts, cupcakes, or snacks to show appreciation for their hard work.

10. Flexible work schedules

Offer flexibility in work hours or remote work options as a form of recognition for exceptional performance.

11. Peer-to-peer recognition

Encourage team members to recognize and celebrate each other's achievements through a peer recognition program.

12. Public appreciation on social media

Highlight team members' accomplishments on social media platforms to give them public recognition.

13. Team outings

Plan team-building activities or outings to reward the team for their hard work and boost morale.

14. Wellness rewards

Offer gym memberships, wellness programs, or wellness-related incentives to promote a healthy work-life balance and recognize employees' well-being.

15. Spotlight emails

Send out regular emails highlighting individual team members' achievements and contributions.

16. Growth opportunities

Provide opportunities for advancement or career development as a way to recognize and reward exceptional performance.

17. Coffee or lunch with the boss

Arrange one-on-one meetings over coffee or lunch to personally acknowledge and reward outstanding performance.

18. Family events

Organize events where employees can bring their families to show recognition for their support and dedication.

19. Personalized gifts

Give personalized gifts such as engraved pens, custom mugs, or company-branded merchandise to show appreciation.

20. Charity donations in their name

Make charitable donations in the names of outstanding team members to recognize their contributions to the community.

21. Cross-department recognition

Encourage recognition across different departments to foster collaboration and teamwork.

22. Gift cards

Provide gift cards to employees as a token of appreciation for their hard work.

23. Celebratory emails

Send out company-wide emails to celebrate team members' achievements and recognize their efforts.

24. Employee spotlights

Feature team members in company newsletters or intranet profiles to showcase their accomplishments.

25. Recognition badges

Create badges or pins that employees can wear to showcase their achievements and recognize their contributions.

26. Surprise office decorations

Decorate an employee's workspace with balloons or streamers to surprise and recognize their achievements.

27. Personal milestone celebrations

Celebrate important personal milestones like birthdays, work anniversaries, or weddings to show recognition for employees beyond their work contributions.

28. Mentorship opportunities

Pair high-performing employees with mentors to provide guidance and recognize their potential.

29. Professional certifications

Support team members in obtaining professional certifications or licenses to recognize their commitment to continuous learning.

30. Employee appreciation days

Dedicate a day to show appreciation for the entire team's hard work and contributions.

31. Public recognition during team huddles

Recognize outstanding performance in daily or weekly team huddles to keep motivation high.

32. Tailored rewards

Offer rewards that align with individual team members' interests and preferences to show personalized recognition.

33. Thank-you videos

Create personalized videos thanking employees for their exceptional work and dedication.

34. Social recognition platforms

Use online platforms that allow employees to recognize and appreciate each other's contributions publicly.

35. Surprise early dismissal

Reward the team with an early dismissal on a particularly productive day to show recognition for their hard work.

36. Monthly achievement newsletters

Send out newsletters highlighting team members' achievements and recognizing their contributions.

37. Team-building activities

Organize team-building activities like escape rooms or sports events to celebrate successes and foster camaraderie.

38. Opportunities for leadership

Provide team members with opportunities to lead projects or initiatives to recognize their potential and encourage growth.

39. Learning lunches

Organize lunchtime sessions where employees can share their knowledge or learn from experts in different fields.

40. Team acknowledgment wall

Create a wall where team members can write messages of appreciation for their colleagues.

41. Unexpected days off

Surprise the team with an unexpected day off as a reward for their exceptional performance.

42. Personalized LinkedIn recommendations

Write personalized recommendations for team members on their LinkedIn profiles to recognize their professional achievements.

43. Performance-based bonuses

Provide monetary bonuses or incentives based on individual or team performance to recognize exceptional results.

44. Celebrate customer feedback

Acknowledge and celebrate positive customer feedback by sharing it with the team and recognizing their efforts.

45. Learning and development stipends

Offer stipends for employees to invest in their personal and professional development to show recognition for their commitment to growth.

46. Employee-driven recognition programs

Involve employees in designing and implementing recognition programs to ensure they align with their needs and preferences.

47. Public speaking opportunities

Give team members the chance to present their work or expertise at company-wide meetings or conferences.

48. Work anniversaries

Celebrate employees' work anniversaries by acknowledging their loyalty and dedication to the company.

49. Wellness challenges

Organize wellness challenges or competitions to recognize employees' efforts in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

50. Team-wide recognition emails

Send out emails recognizing the collective efforts and achievements of the entire team.

51. New skill showcase

Provide opportunities for employees to share newly acquired skills or knowledge with the team.

52. Peer nominations

Encourage team members to nominate their colleagues for recognition based on outstanding performance or helpfulness.

53. Public recognition boards

Set up boards in common areas where employees can publicly recognize and appreciate their colleagues' work.

54. Quarterly awards ceremonies

Host awards ceremonies every quarter to recognize top performers in various categories.

55. Surprise team-building activities

Organize surprise team-building activities or outings to break the routine and boost team morale.

56. Public recognition from clients

Share positive client testimonials or feedback with the team to recognize their exceptional service.

57. Personalized LinkedIn posts

Share the achievements and successes of team members on LinkedIn, acknowledging their contributions.

58. Team-wide brainstorming sessions

Recognize the team's collective creativity and problem-solving skills by organizing brainstorming sessions.

59. Collaborative projects

Assign projects that require collaboration and recognize the team's efforts in working together.

60. Surprise team breakfasts

Organize surprise breakfasts to start the day on a positive note and show appreciation for the team's hard work.

61. Virtual recognition walls

Create virtual recognition walls where team members can post messages, achievements, and appreciations for their colleagues.

62. Personal milestones acknowledgment

Celebrate personal milestones like graduations, new certifications, or new additions to the family to show recognition beyond the workplace.

63. Project completion celebrations

Celebrate the successful completion of projects by throwing a party or organizing a team outing.

64. Cross-departmental collaboration rewards

Recognize teams that successfully collaborate across different departments to achieve shared goals.

65. Time off for personal projects

Offer employees the opportunity to take time off to work on personal projects or pursue their passions.

66. Company-wide recognition events

Host events where all employees can come together to celebrate their collective achievements.

67. Surprise awards

Create surprise awards for team members who go above and beyond to recognize their exceptional efforts.

68. Innovation challenges

Organize innovation challenges where team members can showcase their creative solutions to business problems.

69. Public recognition from senior leaders

Have senior leaders publicly acknowledge and appreciate team members' contributions during company-wide meetings.

70. Learning circles

Encourage team members to form learning circles where they can share knowledge and skills with each other.

71. Customer appreciation events

Organize events to appreciate and celebrate the loyalty and support of the company's customers.

72. Virtual team-building games

Arrange virtual team-building games or competitions to foster a sense of camaraderie and recognize team spirit.

73. Surprise team awards

Create surprise awards for teams that consistently demonstrate exceptional teamwork and collaboration.

74. Special team projects

Assign special projects to recognize and challenge high-performing team members.

75. Employee achievements on display

Showcase employees' achievements through physical or virtual displays in the workplace.

76. Surprise bonuses

Surprise employees with unexpected monetary bonuses to show appreciation for their hard work.

77. Employee-driven recognition events

Allow employees to organize recognition events or activities to celebrate each other's achievements.

78. Professional photoshoots

Arrange professional photoshoots for team members to capture their accomplishments and recognize their contributions.

79. Monthly team meetings

Dedicate a portion of monthly team meetings to recognizing and celebrating team members' achievements.

80. Cross-functional recognition

Encourage employees from different departments to recognize and appreciate each other's contributions.

81. Surprise team gifts

Surprise the team with small gifts or tokens of appreciation to show recognition for their efforts.

82. Employee appreciation week

Designate a week to celebrate and appreciate employees' hard work and dedication.

83. Peer feedback sessions

Organize feedback sessions where team members can provide constructive feedback and recognize each other's strengths.

84. Public recognition in industry publications

Highlight team members' accomplishments in industry publications to showcase their expertise.

85. Performance-based promotions

Offer promotions to team members based on their exceptional performance and contributions.

86. Top performer spotlights

Spotlight top performers in company-wide communications to recognize their outstanding achievements.

87. Team-wide goal celebrations

Celebrate the achievement of team goals by organizing special events or activities.

88. Surprise thank-you emails

Send surprise thank-you emails to team members, recognizing their efforts and contributions.

89. Employee referral programs

Recognize employees for referring new hires by offering incentives or rewards for successful referrals.

90. Virtual celebration platforms

Use virtual platforms to celebrate team achievements and recognize individual contributions.

91. Surprise team-building workshops

Organize surprise team-building workshops or seminars to foster learning and collaboration.

92. Employee recognition blogs

Create a company blog where employees can share their achievements and recognize their colleagues.

93. Personalized desk accessories

Provide personalized desk accessories like nameplates or engraved pens to show recognition for individual team members.

94. Monthly recognition ceremonies

Host monthly ceremonies where team members can nominate and recognize each other for their contributions.

95. Team-wide gratitude journals

Encourage team members to keep gratitude journals and share their entries during team meetings.

96. Surprise team celebrations

Organize surprise celebrations to commemorate the team's accomplishments and show appreciation.

97. Personalized social media shout-outs

Recognize team members on social media platforms by posting personalized shout-outs.

98. Collaborative decision-making

Involve team members in decision-making processes to recognize their expertise and contributions.

99. Employee-led training sessions

Allow employees to lead training sessions in their areas of expertise to recognize their knowledge and skills.

###100. Surprise team-building retreats

Organize surprise team-building retreats to provide a unique and memorable recognition experience.

101. Public recognition during company town halls

Recognize and appreciate team members' contributions during company-wide town hall meetings.

102. Personalized video messages from leaders

Have leaders record personalized video messages thanking team members for their hard work.

103. Virtual team challenges

Organize virtual challenges or competitions to recognize and reward team members' accomplishments.

104. Employee resource groups

Support and recognize employee resource groups that contribute to a positive work environment.

105. Surprise team movie nights

Organize surprise movie nights for the team to relax and enjoy each other's company.

106. Surprise team-building exercises

Introduce surprise team-building exercises during meetings or workshops to foster collaboration and recognize teamwork.

107. Personalized LinkedIn endorsements

Endorse team members' skills on LinkedIn to recognize their expertise and professional growth.

108. Employee-driven recognition boards

Allow employees to create and manage recognition boards where they can appreciate their colleagues' contributions.

109. Team-wide thank-you videos

Create team-wide thank-you videos where team members can express their gratitude and recognition for each other.

110. Personalized desktop wallpapers

Provide team members with personalized desktop wallpapers featuring their achievements and recognizing their contributions.

111. Surprise team challenges

Organize surprise team challenges or competitions to recognize team members' skills and abilities.

112. Public recognition on the company website

Feature team members' accomplishments and contributions on the company's website to acknowledge their hard work.

113. Surprise team-building exercises

Include surprise team-building exercises or icebreakers in meetings to boost morale and recognize teamwork.

114. Virtual team awards ceremonies

Host virtual awards ceremonies to recognize and celebrate team members' achievements.

115. Random acts of kindness

Encourage team members to perform random acts of kindness for their colleagues and recognize their efforts.

How Verbal Recognition Impacts Employee Motivation

woman talking to coworker - recognition examples

Verbal recognition is a powerful tool that can greatly impact employee motivation and engagement. When used effectively, it can create a positive and engaging work environment, boosting productivity and overall job satisfaction. Here are some strategies to effectively utilize verbal recognition to motivate and engage employees:

1. Be Specific and Timely

When recognizing employees verbally, it is important to be specific about what they did well and why it is valuable. Generic compliments may not have the same impact as personalized recognition. Timely recognition is crucial as it allows employees to connect their actions with the positive feedback they receive, reinforcing desired behaviors.

2. Publicly Acknowledge Achievements

Public recognition can have a significant impact on employee motivation and engagement. Consider creating opportunities to publicly acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements during team meetings, company-wide emails, or even through dedicated recognition programs. This not only boosts the morale of the recognized employee but also inspires others to strive for similar achievements.

3. Encourage Peer-to-Peer Recognition

While recognition from managers and supervisors is important, encouraging peer-to-peer recognition can be equally beneficial. Foster a culture of appreciation where employees feel comfortable recognizing and appreciating each other's contributions. This not only spreads positive energy throughout the team but also helps build stronger relationships among colleagues.

4. Connect Recognition to Company Values

When recognizing employees verbally, tie their achievements and behaviors back to the core values of the company. By doing so, you reinforce the importance of the company's values and create a stronger sense of purpose for employees. This connection helps employees see the bigger picture and understand how their work contributes to the overall success of the organization.

5. Provide Growth Opportunities

Verbal recognition should go beyond just praising past accomplishments; it should also serve as a catalyst for future growth. When recognizing employees, discuss potential opportunities for growth, such as additional responsibilities, professional development programs, or career advancement. This not only motivates employees to continue performing at a high level but also shows that their hard work is valued and rewarded.

6. Be Genuine and Sincere

The effectiveness of verbal recognition lies in its authenticity. It is important to be genuine and sincere when recognizing employees. Take the time to understand their individual strengths, contributions, and challenges. By demonstrating a genuine appreciation for their efforts, you create a positive and supportive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated.

Verbal recognition is a powerful tool to motivate and engage employees. By being specific and timely, publicly acknowledging achievements, encouraging peer-to-peer recognition, connecting recognition to company values, providing growth opportunities, and being genuine and sincere, you can effectively utilize verbal recognition to create a positive and engaging work environment.

How To Effectively Recognize Innovation and Creativity Within Your Team

Employees celebrating while leaving office - recognition examples

Recognition is a powerful tool that can be used to encourage employees to think outside the box and promote innovation and creativity in the workplace. By acknowledging and rewarding innovative ideas and creative thinking, organizations can create a culture that values and supports out-of-the-box thinking. Here are some effective ways to integrate recognition for innovation and creativity into the workplace:

1. Create a Recognition Program

Establish a formal recognition program that specifically targets innovation and creativity. This program can include regular awards, certificates, or special privileges for employees who come up with innovative ideas or demonstrate creative problem-solving skills. By making recognition a formal part of the company culture, employees will be more motivated to think creatively and share their ideas.

2. Encourage Idea Sharing

Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. Provide platforms for idea sharing, such as suggestion boxes, team brainstorming sessions, or virtual collaboration tools. Recognize and appreciate employees who actively participate in idea generation and encourage others to contribute as well. By creating a safe space for idea sharing, employees will be more likely to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

3. Recognize Small Wins

Innovation and creativity are not limited to groundbreaking ideas or major projects. Encourage employees to think creatively in their day-to-day tasks and recognize their small wins. Acknowledge employees who find more efficient ways to complete tasks, come up with creative solutions to common problems, or suggest improvements in existing processes. By recognizing these small wins, employees will feel valued and motivated to continue thinking innovatively.

4. Provide Opportunities for Skill Development

Encourage employees to enhance their innovation and creativity skills by providing learning and development opportunities. Offer training programs, workshops, or seminars that focus on creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. Recognize and reward employees who actively participate in these programs and apply their learnings in their work. By investing in skill development, employees will feel empowered to think outside the box and contribute innovative ideas.

5. Lead by Example

As a leader, it is crucial to lead by example when it comes to fostering innovation and creativity. Demonstrate your own creativity and encourage your team members to do the same. Recognize and appreciate employees who take creative risks, try new approaches, and challenge the status quo. By setting an example and recognizing innovative behavior, you will inspire others to think outside the box and contribute to a culture of creativity.

Integrating recognition for innovation and creativity into the workplace is essential to encourage employees to think outside the box. By creating a recognition program, encouraging idea sharing, recognizing small wins, providing skill development opportunities, and leading by example, organizations can foster a culture of innovation and creativity. By recognizing and appreciating innovative thinking, employees will feel valued and motivated to continue generating creative ideas, ultimately driving the success of the organization.

How Employee Recognition Can Support Employee Development and Career Growth

woman looking at development charts of employees - recognition examples

Recognition is a powerful tool that can be used to support employee development and career growth within an organization. When employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions, it not only motivates them to continue performing at a high level, but it also encourages them to invest in their own development and strive for career advancement. Here are some ways recognition can be used to support employee development and career growth:

1. Reinforces positive behaviors and achievements

Recognition can be used to reinforce positive behaviors and achievements that align with the organization's values and goals. By acknowledging and rewarding employees for their hard work, dedication, and accomplishments, organizations can encourage them to continue developing their skills and contribute to the organization's overall success. This can be done through various forms of recognition, such as verbal praise, written appreciation, public recognition, or tangible rewards.

2. Fosters a culture of learning and growth

When recognition is tied to employee development, it sends a clear message that the organization values continuous learning and growth. By recognizing employees for their efforts in acquiring new skills, taking on additional responsibilities, or pursuing further education, organizations can create a culture that encourages employees to seek out opportunities for personal and professional development. This can include providing access to training programs, mentorship opportunities, or financial assistance for continued education.

3. Provides opportunities for skill-building and career advancement

Recognition can also be used as a catalyst for skill-building and career advancement. By identifying and acknowledging employees' strengths and potential, organizations can create tailored development plans that provide opportunities for them to acquire new skills, take on challenging projects, or move into higher-level roles. This can include assigning employees to cross-functional teams, offering stretch assignments, or providing mentorship from senior leaders within the organization.

4. Encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing

Recognition can be used to foster a collaborative and supportive work environment, where employees are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise with others. By recognizing employees for their contributions to team projects, their willingness to help colleagues, or their expertise in a particular area, organizations can create a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration. This can lead to increased employee engagement, higher levels of innovation, and a more inclusive work environment.

Recognition is not just a tool to acknowledge and appreciate employees; it is also a powerful tool for supporting employee development and career growth. By tying recognition to positive behaviors, fostering a culture of learning and growth, providing opportunities for skill-building and career advancement, and encouraging collaboration and knowledge-sharing, organizations can create an environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Best Practices for Implementing An Employee Recognition Program That Aligns With Company Values

business person looking at SOPs through recognition examples

Creating an effective recognition program that aligns with a company's values and culture is crucial for employee engagement and motivation. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Before implementing a recognition program, clearly define the objectives you want to achieve. Are you aiming to increase employee morale, boost productivity, or improve teamwork? Understanding your goals will help you tailor the program to meet those specific needs.

2. Understand Your Company's Values and Culture

Recognition programs should be aligned with the company's values and culture. Take the time to understand what these are and reflect them in the program. For example, if teamwork is a core value, design recognition initiatives that promote collaboration and cooperation among employees.

3. Involve Employees in the Process

To ensure that the recognition program resonates with employees, involve them in the process. Seek their input and feedback on what types of recognition they value and appreciate. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one discussions. By involving employees, you are more likely to create a program that meets their needs and expectations.

4. Provide Meaningful and Timely Recognition

Recognition should be meaningful and timely to have a lasting impact. Recognize employees for their achievements in a way that is personalized and specific. Avoid generic statements and instead highlight the specific actions or behaviors that deserve recognition. Provide recognition in a timely manner to reinforce the desired behaviors and inspire continued excellence.

5. Offer a Variety of Recognition Methods

Not all employees are motivated by the same type of recognition. Some may prefer public recognition, while others may appreciate private acknowledgments. Offer a variety of recognition methods to cater to different preferences. These can include verbal praise, handwritten notes, public announcements, peer-to-peer recognition, rewards, or even team-based recognition activities.

6. Make Recognition Visible

Make recognition visible throughout the organization to reinforce its importance. Consider creating a dedicated space or platform where employees' achievements can be showcased. This can be a bulletin board, an online recognition platform, or a regular newsletter. By making recognition visible, you create a culture that values and celebrates success.

7. Foster a Culture of Appreciation

Recognition should not be limited to a formal program. Encourage a culture of appreciation where employees regularly express their gratitude and acknowledge each other's contributions. This can be done through simple acts such as saying "thank you" or publicly recognizing colleagues during team meetings. When recognition becomes a part of everyday interactions, it reinforces a positive work environment.

8. Measure and Evaluate the Program

Regularly measure and evaluate the effectiveness of your recognition program. Collect feedback from employees to assess their satisfaction and engagement levels. Use metrics such as employee retention, productivity, and satisfaction surveys to gauge the impact of recognition initiatives. Make adjustments as needed to ensure the program remains relevant and impactful.

By following these best practices, you can create a recognition program that aligns with your company's values and culture, ultimately fostering a more engaged and motivated workforce.

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Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Jan 25th 202420 min read

About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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