27 Outrageously Funny Employee Appreciation Gifts
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27 Outrageously Funny Employee Appreciation Gifts

Bring smiles to your team with funny employee appreciation gifts. Show gratitude with humor and boost morale in a lighthearted way.

Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Nov 11th 202319 min read

Photo of friends having fun, playing traditional games like Jenga, and enjoying snacks together after receiving funny employee appreciation gifts

Are you tired of the same old boring gifts for employee appreciation? Well, you're in luck because I've got something that will shake up your office and bring smiles to everyone's faces – funny employee appreciation gifts!

At times, finding the perfect way to show your gratitude for your colleagues' dedication and effort can be a challenge. But fear not! These humorous tokens of appreciation will not only bring some much-needed laughter to your workplace but also remind your team that their hard work is truly valued. From witty desk plaques to hilarious coffee mugs, we've got you covered with a list of side-splitting gifts that will leave everyone rolling in the aisles.

So, if you're ready to ditch the mundane and jazz up your employee appreciation game, join us as we explore the world of funny employee appreciation gifts. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on these rib-tickling ideas that will have your team laughing their way to success. Get ready to show your appreciation in a way that's as unique and fun as your team is!

The Importance of Injecting Humor Into Employee Appreciation Efforts

Creating a positive workplace culture is crucial for the success and well-being of any organization. One effective way to achieve this is by injecting humor into employee appreciation efforts. Humor has the power to uplift spirits, foster connections, and boost morale. Let's delve into the importance of injecting humor in employee appreciation efforts and how it contributes to a positive workplace culture.

1. Boosts Morale and Engagement

When employees feel appreciated and valued, their morale and engagement levels skyrocket. Injecting humor into appreciation efforts adds an element of fun and lightheartedness, making employees feel more connected to their work and the organization as a whole. By acknowledging their contributions in a humorous way, you not only make them feel valued but also create a positive and engaging work environment.

2. Enhances Employee Well-being

Work-related stress can take a toll on employees' well-being. Injecting humor into employee appreciation efforts can act as a stress reliever, helping employees to unwind and relax. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. By incorporating funny gifts or activities into appreciation efforts, you provide employees with a much-needed break from their daily stressors and contribute to their overall well-being.

3. Fosters Connection and Collaboration

Humor has the incredible ability to bring people together. When employees share a laugh, it creates a sense of camaraderie and strengthens team bonds. Injecting humor into employee appreciation efforts encourages interaction and collaboration among team members, fostering a positive work culture built on trust and support. By creating opportunities for employees to laugh together, you promote a sense of unity and teamwork.

4. Increases Creativity and Innovation

Injecting humor into employee appreciation efforts can also stimulate creativity and innovation within the organization. Laughter triggers a relaxed state of mind, which allows employees to think more freely and creatively. When employees feel comfortable enough to express their ideas and take risks, it opens up possibilities for innovation and positive change. By celebrating employees' achievements in a humorous manner, you create a space where creativity can flourish.

5. Improves Communication

Communication is the backbone of any successful organization. Injecting humor into employee appreciation efforts can greatly improve communication among team members. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to communicate openly and honestly. Humor breaks down barriers, encourages dialogue, and creates a positive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves. This leads to better collaboration, problem-solving, and overall productivity.

Injecting humor into employee appreciation efforts is not just about providing a moment of laughter; it is about creating a positive and thriving workplace culture. By boosting morale, enhancing employee well-being, fostering connection and collaboration, stimulating creativity and innovation, and improving communication, humor becomes a powerful tool for building a successful and engaging work environment. So, let's embrace the power of humor and make employee appreciation efforts truly unforgettable!

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How Organizations Balance Humor In Appreciation Without Crossing Boundaries

Creating a positive and enjoyable work environment is essential for any organization. One way to achieve this is through employee appreciation gifts that incorporate humor. It's crucial to strike a balance between humor and respect to avoid crossing boundaries or potentially offending employees. Let's dive into some strategies for achieving this delicate balance.

1. Know your audience

The first step in avoiding any potential offense is to understand your employees and their individual preferences. What might be funny to one person could be offensive to another. Consider the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and sensitivities within your organization. By taking the time to know your audience, you can select gifts that will be well-received and appreciated by all.

2. Keep it light-hearted

When choosing funny employee appreciation gifts, opt for humor that is light-hearted and universally relatable. Steer clear of controversial or sensitive topics that could potentially offend or alienate certain individuals. Instead, focus on playful and harmless humor that can be enjoyed by everyone.

3. Avoid personal jokes

While inside jokes among employees can create a sense of camaraderie, they can also be exclusionary and potentially offensive to others. It's best to avoid personal jokes or references that only a few people would understand. Instead, opt for humor that is inclusive and can be appreciated by the entire team.

4. Consider the context

Timing and context are crucial when it comes to humor in the workplace. While a funny gift might be well-received during a casual team-building event, it might not be appropriate in a more formal setting. Consider the occasion, the setting, and the overall atmosphere before deciding on a humorous gift. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and choose a gift that is light-hearted but respectful.

5. Seek feedback

To ensure that your employee appreciation gifts strike the right balance between humor and respect, consider seeking feedback from your team. Implement anonymous surveys or open forums where employees can express their opinions and provide suggestions. This way, you can gather valuable insights and ensure that your gifts are well-received by the majority.

The goal of funny employee appreciation gifts is to uplift and engage employees while creating a positive work environment. By knowing your audience, keeping the humor light-hearted, avoiding personal jokes, considering the context, and seeking feedback, you can successfully navigate the fine line between humor and respect. Happy gifting!

The Role of Timing In Using Humor for Employee Appreciation

When it comes to employee appreciation, timing is everything. And when you add humor into the mix, it becomes even more crucial. Humor has the power to uplift spirits, create positive energy, and foster a sense of camaraderie among employees. But to truly maximize its impact, it’s important to know when and where to inject humor into your employee appreciation efforts. So, let’s delve into the role timing plays in using humor for employee appreciation and explore the occasions or events where it can be particularly effective.

1. Day-to-Day Interactions: Injecting Humor into the Mundane

The daily grind can sometimes feel like, well, a grind. But a well-timed joke or a funny gift can turn an ordinary day into a memorable one. Whether it’s a witty comment during a team meeting or a playful prank in the office, using humor in day-to-day interactions can help keep morale high and break the monotony of work. Funny employee appreciation gifts, such as humorous mugs or desk accessories, can serve as constant reminders of the lighter side of work and the appreciation you have for your team.

2. Celebrating Milestones: Adding Laughter to Achievements

Milestones are significant events that deserve recognition and appreciation. Whether it’s an employee’s work anniversary, a project completion, or a company-wide accomplishment, these milestones are perfect opportunities to inject humor into your employee appreciation efforts. Consider organizing a lighthearted award ceremony with funny categories like "Most Caffeinated Employee" or "Master of Quick Thinking." Pair these awards with humorous employee appreciation gifts, such as custom-made bobblehead dolls or funny certificates, to add an extra touch of laughter to the celebration.

3. Team-Building Events: Fostering Laughter and Connection

Team-building events are great opportunities to bring humor to the forefront of your employee appreciation efforts. Whether it’s a company retreat, a team-building activity, or a social gathering, incorporating humor into these events can help foster a sense of connection and camaraderie among team members. Consider hiring a professional comedian to perform or organizing a funny talent show where employees can showcase their hidden talents. And don't forget to send your team members home with funny employee appreciation gifts, like personalized joke books or humorous team photos, as a lasting reminder of the event.

4. Challenging Times: Using Humor as a Coping Mechanism

During challenging times, such as tight deadlines, high-stress periods, or unexpected setbacks, humor can be a powerful coping mechanism. It can provide a much-needed release valve for stress and tension, helping employees navigate through difficult situations with a lighter heart. Incorporate humor into your employee appreciation efforts during these times by sharing funny videos or memes, organizing a lighthearted team-building exercise, or simply cracking a few jokes to lighten the mood. Funny employee appreciation gifts, like stress-relief toys or humorous stress balls, can also serve as tangible reminders to find humor even in the toughest of times.

Timing is crucial when using humor for employee appreciation. By strategically incorporating humor into day-to-day interactions, celebrating milestones, organizing team-building events, and using it as a coping mechanism during challenging times, you can harness the power of laughter to uplift spirits, foster connection, and show your team members just how much you appreciate them. So, embrace the funny side of employee appreciation and create a workplace where laughter thrives!

Examples of Funny and Lighthearted Messages To Express Gratitude To Employees

Appreciating your employees is not only important for boosting morale and productivity, but it's also a great opportunity to inject some humor into the workplace. Funny employee appreciation messages can go a long way in showing your team that you value their hard work while also bringing a smile to their faces. Here are some examples of hilarious and heartfelt messages that will make your employees laugh and feel appreciated:

"You're the Office MVP: Most Valuable Prankster!"

Message: "Congratulations on being the MVP of our office! Your pranks and jokes always bring laughter and joy to the team. We appreciate your ability to lighten the mood and make work feel like play. Keep up the great work, you funny genius!"

Explanation: This message acknowledges the employee's sense of humor and recognizes their ability to bring laughter and fun to the workplace. It highlights their unique contribution to the team and shows appreciation for their comedic talents.

"You're a Punny Star: Our Resident Jokester!"

Message: "To our resident jokester, thank you for always keeping us entertained with your pun-tastic sense of humor. Your witty one-liners and clever wordplay never fail to put a smile on our faces. We appreciate you and your ability to turn even the most mundane tasks into a comedy show!"

Explanation: This message celebrates the employee's talent for puns and jokes and acknowledges their ability to bring humor to everyday situations. It shows appreciation for their comedic skills and the joy they bring to the team.

"You're Our Office Clown: Bringing Smiles Since Day One!"

Message: "To our beloved office clown, thank you for always brightening our days with your hilarious antics and infectious laughter. Your silly pranks and funny faces never fail to make us smile. We are grateful for your ability to create a positive and fun work environment. Keep clowning around!"

Explanation: This message recognizes the employee as the "office clown" and appreciates their ability to bring laughter and joy to the team. It highlights their unique talent for creating a positive and fun work environment and encourages them to continue spreading smiles.

"You're a Comedic Genius: Our Very Own Stand-Up Star!"

Message: "Congratulations on being our very own stand-up star! Your quick wit and hilarious storytelling always leave us in stitches. We appreciate your ability to turn even the toughest situations into comedy gold. Thank you for bringing laughter and joy to our team!"

Explanation: This message acknowledges the employee's comedic talent and compares them to a stand-up star. It praises their ability to find humor in challenging situations and shows gratitude for the laughter and joy they bring to the team.

"You're the Workplace Comedian: Master of Funny Bone Tickling!"

Message: "To our workplace comedian, thank you for tickling our funny bones and making work feel like a comedy club. Your funny impressions and spot-on comedic timing always leave us in hysterics. We appreciate your ability to bring laughter and joy to our daily grind. Keep the jokes coming!"

Explanation: This message celebrates the employee as the "workplace comedian" and acknowledges their ability to bring laughter and joy to the team. It recognizes their talent for impressions and comedic timing and encourages them to continue sharing their humor with the team.

By using funny employee appreciation messages, you can show your team that their hard work is valued while also bringing some lightheartedness and laughter to the workplace. These messages not only express gratitude but also celebrate the unique comedic talents of your employees, creating a positive and fun work environment.

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Creative and Funny Ways To Show Appreciation To Employees

1. The "Office Olympics"

Who says appreciation can't also be entertaining? Organize an "Office Olympics" event where employees can compete in silly games and challenges. From paperclip javelin throwing to chair racing, this fun-filled event will not only show your appreciation but also bring the team closer together. Plus, you can award medals or trophies to winners, adding an extra touch of humor to the occasion.

2. The "Punny Awards"

Take a lighthearted approach to recognition by creating custom-made "punny" awards for your employees. Instead of traditional recognition awards, come up with humorous titles that play on their unique personalities or achievements. For example, you could have awards like "Master of Memes" for the employee with the best sense of humor or "Office DJ" for the colleague who always has the best playlist. These awards will not only make employees laugh but also make them feel appreciated for their individuality.

3. The "Meme Wall"

Incorporate humor into your workplace by creating a "Meme Wall" where employees can share and display their favorite memes. Encourage your team to contribute by providing a designated area where they can pin up their funniest finds. This not only shows appreciation for their humor but also creates a positive and lighthearted atmosphere in the office. Plus, it's a great conversation starter and stress reliever during breaks.

4. The "Comedy Club Lunch"

Treat your employees to a lunchtime comedy show where they can enjoy some laughs and take a break from their daily routines. Hire a local comedian or bring in a stand-up comedian to perform live in the office or at a nearby comedy club. Not only will this show your employees that you value their happiness, but it will also provide an opportunity for everyone to bond over shared laughter.

5. The "Funny Appreciation Notes"

Instead of the typical heartfelt thank you notes, surprise your employees with funny appreciation notes that will put a smile on their faces. Get creative with puns, jokes, or clever wordplay to show your gratitude. For example, you could leave a note on their desk saying, "Thanks for being the 'punch' that keeps our team 'punching' above our weight!" These humorous notes will not only brighten their day but also remind them of their importance to the team.

6. The "Humorous Desk Decorations"

Bring some laughter into the workplace by surprising your employees with humorous desk decorations. Consider adding funny desk toys, quirky office supplies, or silly posters that reflect their interests or sense of humor. These decorations will not only show your appreciation but also create a more enjoyable and relaxed work environment.

By thinking outside the box and incorporating humor into your appreciation efforts, you can create a positive and lighthearted work culture that boosts employee morale and fosters stronger relationships within your team. So, why not add a touch of laughter to your appreciation strategy and make your employees smile?

27 Outrageously Funny Employee Appreciation Gifts

Finding the most outrageously funny employee appreciation gifts can be a challenge, but fear not! I've compiled a list of 27 unique gift ideas that will leave a lasting impression and will show your employees that you care. Each item comes with a description and an idea of who to gift the item to, an explanation of why they will love the gift, its average price, and a "love percentage" to help you gauge how much your employees will love you after receiving the gift! From personalized items to experiences they'll never forget, there's something here for everyone. The list gets better as you get further into it - let's dive in!

1. Custom Bobblehead

  • Best for: Team members with a sense of humor.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: It's a hilarious mini-me version of themselves.
  • Average price: $50
  • Love percentage: 95%

2. Office Chair Roller Skates

  • Best for: Desk-bound colleagues.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: They can skate around the office in style.
  • Average price: $35
  • Love percentage: 85%

3. Desk-Mounted Slingshot

  • Best for: Stress-prone coworkers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Instant stress relief at their fingertips.
  • Average price: $15
  • Love percentage: 80%

4. "Employee of the Month" Toilet Paper

  • Best for: Office pranksters.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A humorous reminder of their achievement.
  • Average price: $8
  • Love percentage: 70%

5. Talking Desk Gnome

  • Best for: Cubicle dwellers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Provides amusing commentary on office life.
  • Average price: $20
  • Love percentage: 75%

6. The Office-Themed Mousepad

  • Best for: Fans of "The Office" TV show.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Daily reminders of their favorite sitcom.
  • Average price: $12
  • Love percentage: 90%

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Funny employee appreciation gifts to be given to employees for the holidays

7. USB Pet Rock

  • Best for: Tech enthusiasts.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A modern twist on a classic gag gift.
  • Average price: $10
  • Love percentage: 60%

8. Inflatable Coworker

  • Best for: Lighthearted colleagues.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A quirky desk companion.
  • Average price: $15
  • Love percentage: 70%

9. "Unicorn Poop" Stress Balls

  • Best for: Stressed-out team members.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A mythical way to relieve tension.
  • Average price: $6
  • Love percentage: 80%

10. Customized "Executive" Nameplate

  • Best for: Those with lofty aspirations.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A funny nod to their future office dominance.
  • Average price: $20
  • Love percentage: 85%

11. Prank Stapler with Fake Spiders

  • Best for: Office jokesters.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Endless opportunities for pranks.
  • Average price: $9
  • Love percentage: 75%

12. "Emergency Chocolate" Desk Safe

  • Best for: Chocoholic coworkers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A sweet solution to midday cravings.
  • Average price: $18
  • Love percentage: 95%

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13. "Boss Lady" Rubber Duck

  • Best for: Female supervisors.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A quirky symbol of their leadership.
  • Average price: $5
  • Love percentage: 70%

14. Desktop Bowling Alley

  • Best for: Bowling enthusiasts.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Miniature fun during break time.
  • Average price: $25
  • Love percentage: 80%

15. Fake Cockroach Prank

  • Best for: Prankster coworkers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Endless opportunities to startle others.
  • Average price: $2
  • Love percentage: 65%

16. "Nap Queen" Sleeping Mask

  • Best for: Colleagues who love power naps.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Perfect for midday office siestas.
  • Average price: $10
  • Love percentage: 85%

17. "World's Okayest Employee" Mug

  • Best for: Self-deprecating coworkers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A humorous self-awareness reminder.
  • Average price: $12
  • Love percentage: 75%

18. Desktop Drum Set

  • Best for: Budding musicians.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A chance to unleash their inner rock star.
  • Average price: $30
  • Love percentage: 80%

Find the best deal on any of these funny employee appreciation gifts with ease with Giftpack today 😎

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19. "Office Ninja" Nunchucks

  • Best for: Martial arts enthusiasts.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Secret skills for covert office missions.
  • Average price: $15
  • Love percentage: 70%

20. Rubber Chicken Stress Toy

  • Best for: Those with a quirky sense of humor.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A wacky stress relief companion.
  • Average price: $7
  • Love percentage: 65%

21. "Frequent Flyer" Paper Airplane Launcher

  • Best for: Aspiring aviators.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A fun twist on office paper shuffling.
  • Average price: $20
  • Love percentage: 75%

22. "Coffee Addict" Desk Clock

  • Best for: Caffeine-dependent coworkers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A reminder to stay awake and alert.
  • Average price: $12
  • Love percentage: 90%

23. Office Yoga Figurine

  • Best for: Fitness-conscious colleagues.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A daily reminder to stretch and relax.
  • Average price: $18
  • Love percentage: 85%

24. "I Survived Another Meeting" T-Shirt

  • Best for: Meeting veterans.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A badge of honor for enduring meetings.
  • Average price: $15
  • Love percentage: 80%

Find the best deal on any of these funny employee appreciation gifts with ease with Giftpack today 😄

Funny employee appreciation gifts to be given to employees for the holidays

25. "Office Survival Kit" Emergency Supplies

  • Best for: Prepared coworkers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: A quirky backup for office mishaps.
  • Average price: $20
  • Love percentage: 70%

26. Desk Fan with Mist Spray

  • Best for: Office heat sufferers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Instant cooling on a hot day.
  • Average price: $25
  • Love percentage: 90%

27. "Daily Affirmations" Fortune Cookies

  • Best for: Positivity seekers.
  • Why they'll cherish it for life: Encouraging messages in a tasty form.
  • Average price: $12
  • Love percentage: 85%

These 27 outrageously funny employee appreciation gifts are sure to bring laughter and joy to your team. Whether it's a hilarious mug, a quirky desk accessory, or an unforgettable experience, each gift is designed to show your employees just how much you value and appreciate their hard work. By giving these unique gifts, you'll not only boost morale and create a positive work environment, but you'll also leave a lasting impression that will make your employees feel valued and cherished. So go ahead, get creative, and make your employees smile with these funny and thoughtful gifts. It's time to show your team that you appreciate them in the most outrageously funny way possible!

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Find Meaningful Corporate Gifts for Employees With Ease with Giftpack

In the world of business, finding the perfect gift to show appreciation for your employees can often feel like a daunting task. Each person has their own unique personality and preferences, and it's important to find a gift that reflects their individuality. That's where Giftpack comes in.

At Giftpack, our mission is to simplify the corporate gifting process while maximizing the impact of each gift. We understand that time is precious, and spending countless hours searching for the perfect gift can be frustrating. That's why we've developed a custom AI algorithm that takes the guesswork out of gifting.

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One of our key strengths is our ability to source gifts from both local and global suppliers. This means that no matter where you are in the world, we can deliver a highly personalized gift to your recipient. We believe that personalized gifting should be accessible and achievable on a large scale, and we're here to make it happen.

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But what sets us apart is our commitment to creating meaningful connections. We understand that a gift is more than just an item – it's a representation of gratitude and appreciation. That's why we take the time to carefully curate the most fitting gifts for each scenario. Whether it's a funny mug, a quirky desk accessory, or a personalized item, we ensure that each gift has a personal touch.

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So why settle for generic corporate gifts when you can give something truly special? With Giftpack, you can show your employees that you value their hard work and dedication in a fun and unique way. Let us handle the gifting process, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

Experience the Giftpack difference today and discover a new way to appreciate your employees. With our personalized gifts, you'll create lasting memories and strengthen the bond within your team. Say goodbye to generic gifts and hello to a world of endless possibilities. Start gifting with Giftpack now!

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Tim Kuo

Tim Kuo

Nov 11th 202319 min read

About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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